Reason #289

I am an emotional creature. I cry way too easily. Really, if there was one thing I could change about myself emotionally, it would be that. A simple conversation, a song, a sappy movie, a good laugh, and tears being pouring from my eyes. Seriously, they pour. Not just one, not just two, a full on stream. It's as if I don't have control over them, either. I don't really know where I got this from. I don't know why this comes so easily to me, but I guess we all have our "thing" and this just happens to be one of my many things.

So its been an emotional week. And really, it's the little things isn't? It's the small, insignificant, silly things that seem to put you over. "The straw that broke the camel's back" as they say. And so it happened, walking into the grocery store late last night, a really small, really silly, no-big-deal thing happened and it put me over the edge. I was eating a snack, a delicious one I might add, and I was down to the last bite. I got out of the car, holding the last bite of my snack in my hand, all the while talking... go figure. I shut the door and as I walked past the side mirror, I hit my hand. Side note: another "thing" I do is talk with my hands. Well, obviously, eating, walking, and talking is too difficult for me. That last delicious bite of my snack fell out of my hand onto a very large grease spot in the parking lot. "NOOOOOO!!!!" is exactly what was going through my head as I watched it fall. I wanted to cry. Silly, I know. It was just a snack. I'll admit, I was pretty sad because my tastebuds were set on eating it, but it wasn't the end of the world. However, in that moment it seemed like it. Really, it was just a reason for me to go ahead and let my emotions go. A really lame reason, but a reason and so I took it. I held back the tears as I reasoned with myself that it was stupid to cry over a piece of food. Plus, I was heading into the store so I needed to maintain my composure. But I broke. At that moment, I gave in and it snowballed from there. I did, however, tell myself that the birds would get a good snack, which made me feel slightly better. Anything for the birds...

So I woke up this morning feeling a little frustrated with myself. A little irritated that I let something so silly affect me so greatly and morph into something even bigger than it should have. And I was just a little irked. A little annoyed with myself that I would let a small thing turn into a big thing, something I have do far too often, unfortunately. Mostly, I was just really upset that I let my emotions get the best of me when I shouldn't have. And so, as is my morning routine, I turned on the radio in my bathroom and began to get ready.

There is none like you.
No one else can touch my heart like you do.
I could search for all eternity long and find
There is none like you.
Your mercy flows like a river wide
And healing comes in your name.
Helpless children are safe in your arms
There is none like you.
And I began to feel His peace wash over me. Standing there feeling a little helpless, a little worthless and mostly frustrated, I just felt His love surround me. My spirit was quieted as I listened to the words and the truth in each line. Because there is none like Him. No one else can affect me like He does. To take a frustrated, emotional heart and change it in an instant. To see my raw, overly emotional side and still wrap me up, regardless of how ridiculous I'm being, in His safe arms. There is none like Him. There is no one else who can bring healing over and over to a sensitive soul. No one else can quiet my anxious heart moments after I roll out of bed. There is no one like Him.
So I'm thankful to serve a God whose mercy flows like a river. It doesn't come in just a drop or two, no, it flows. It rages forth, and it doesn't stop. Once it starts, it just keeps going. It never runs out. There is none like Him. And I'm grateful that He uses the little things to teach us. The little things to draw us back to Him. To change us, to open our eyes, to cause us to seek out truth. And most of all, I'm thankful that no matter how much I cry, how many unnecessary tears leave my ducts, no matter how emotional I may get, He is always there to wrap me up safely in His arms.
#289 - Because when my tears flow, His mercy flows.
"Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power." - Jeremiah 10:6
“How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you. We have never even heard of another God like you!" - 2 Samuel 7:22
"No one is holy like the Lord! There is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God." - 1 Samuel 2:2


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