Reason #384
Tonight was session two of dog training lessons. It did not go as smoothly as the first one, however, all the dogs were having a hard time so I will say Scout was not the worst. I did, a few minutes in to class, have to leave the room because she kept staring at me and barking. I was afraid that was going to happen. I didn't get to watch the whole class, but I did make a failed attempt at trying to sneak in unnoticed at the end so I could see what she learned. She did well, but she was definitely distracted. I blame the small dog who wouldn't stop whining, but really, the who purpose of obedience is that you do what you're suppose to do no matter what's going on around you.
Aaron is a saint. He practiced much patience tonight. It's a good thing he is the one doing the training because my patience is short, and I would have had an anxiety attack half way through the class. He deserves an award for putting up with our shenanigans somedays. Anyhow, after class we decided that Scout would much rather be loving than obedient. She'd rather snuggle than take orders. And, more than anything, she'd just like to be held, as she made well known tonight while trying to crawl up his leg through the majority of the class. And the thing is, Scout is so darn cute that it's hard not to give in. I find it very difficult to be stern with her, so I just accept her love and overlook the fact that she doesn't really listen to me one bit.
I don't really know what's going through Scout's little head. I don't know if she quite understands everything that's being taught to her. I'm sure she has no clue why, after two years, we've started dragging her up to this cold, uninviting room once a week, strapping a pokey collar around her neck, and bossing her around for an hour. I have a feeling she's probably pretty confused. However, I know I don't give her enough credit sometimes. I think she knows more than she lets on, and she's learned to play the game well. I'm pretty sure Scout knows how strongly her cuteness factor comes into play. All she has to do is put those little ears down, lower her chin, let her giganitc eyes pierce your soul, and she knows you'll give in. You can say "no" again and again and again, but if she can get one look in, game over. But there comes a point when obedience is a must, and sometimes, what would make me most happy is for her to simply mind. Cuteness can only take her so far, and if she wants to show real love and respect, she'll begin to listen and obey.
Like mother, like daughter. Obedience is a great concept when you aren't the one having to practice it, right? Because you just want to do what you want to do. Why obey? Why must we have to follow certain rules, stay within certain boundaries? But it's not up for us to decide that. We don't know what's best. Our little brains our limited, even though we'd never admit that. And so we have to trust that our Master is teaching us obedience for a reason. We have to understand that it is out of love, and the best way to show that love in return is to do what we're instructed. And sure, maybe we have to be taught that lesson. It may not come quickly, and we may have to keep practicing again and again and again. But He knows when we're listening. He knows when we're actually trying and when we're just pretending. And I've been so guilty of playing the "cute and innocent" card, too. "Oh, look at me. I'm just so sweet and frail and small. Take pity on me. Don't get upset with me. Ooops!" But I knew, deep down I knew and I was just being resistent. And here's what I've learned from that, it got me no where. It's much better to pay attention and learn as quickly as you can when being taught than to dismiss it, forget it, and resist it. One way or another, you'll learn. The easy way, the hard way, the fast way, the long way... you'll learn it one way.
And so Scout will learn. I have full confidence in her, in Aaron's training abilities, and in the Pupperoni's tempting power (I'm still not sure the choke collar is doing much of anything). I hope with all my heart that she'll learn quickly. But we'll keep practicing. We aren't going to give up on her, and He won't give up on us either. It's a process, one step at a time. And so even on our bad nights, even when we fall back and just don't get it, there's always tomorrow. We just pick back up where we need to and we move forward in the right direction. Because true obedience is an act of love, and, in return, love is patient. And so I'm thankful to serve a God who is patient with us. Patient to teach us, to guide us, to make sure we understand what we need to do, and to never give up on us as we learn how to get there.
#384 - Because His love is patient.
"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love." - Ephesians 4:2
Aaron is a saint. He practiced much patience tonight. It's a good thing he is the one doing the training because my patience is short, and I would have had an anxiety attack half way through the class. He deserves an award for putting up with our shenanigans somedays. Anyhow, after class we decided that Scout would much rather be loving than obedient. She'd rather snuggle than take orders. And, more than anything, she'd just like to be held, as she made well known tonight while trying to crawl up his leg through the majority of the class. And the thing is, Scout is so darn cute that it's hard not to give in. I find it very difficult to be stern with her, so I just accept her love and overlook the fact that she doesn't really listen to me one bit.
I don't really know what's going through Scout's little head. I don't know if she quite understands everything that's being taught to her. I'm sure she has no clue why, after two years, we've started dragging her up to this cold, uninviting room once a week, strapping a pokey collar around her neck, and bossing her around for an hour. I have a feeling she's probably pretty confused. However, I know I don't give her enough credit sometimes. I think she knows more than she lets on, and she's learned to play the game well. I'm pretty sure Scout knows how strongly her cuteness factor comes into play. All she has to do is put those little ears down, lower her chin, let her giganitc eyes pierce your soul, and she knows you'll give in. You can say "no" again and again and again, but if she can get one look in, game over. But there comes a point when obedience is a must, and sometimes, what would make me most happy is for her to simply mind. Cuteness can only take her so far, and if she wants to show real love and respect, she'll begin to listen and obey.
Like mother, like daughter. Obedience is a great concept when you aren't the one having to practice it, right? Because you just want to do what you want to do. Why obey? Why must we have to follow certain rules, stay within certain boundaries? But it's not up for us to decide that. We don't know what's best. Our little brains our limited, even though we'd never admit that. And so we have to trust that our Master is teaching us obedience for a reason. We have to understand that it is out of love, and the best way to show that love in return is to do what we're instructed. And sure, maybe we have to be taught that lesson. It may not come quickly, and we may have to keep practicing again and again and again. But He knows when we're listening. He knows when we're actually trying and when we're just pretending. And I've been so guilty of playing the "cute and innocent" card, too. "Oh, look at me. I'm just so sweet and frail and small. Take pity on me. Don't get upset with me. Ooops!" But I knew, deep down I knew and I was just being resistent. And here's what I've learned from that, it got me no where. It's much better to pay attention and learn as quickly as you can when being taught than to dismiss it, forget it, and resist it. One way or another, you'll learn. The easy way, the hard way, the fast way, the long way... you'll learn it one way.
And so Scout will learn. I have full confidence in her, in Aaron's training abilities, and in the Pupperoni's tempting power (I'm still not sure the choke collar is doing much of anything). I hope with all my heart that she'll learn quickly. But we'll keep practicing. We aren't going to give up on her, and He won't give up on us either. It's a process, one step at a time. And so even on our bad nights, even when we fall back and just don't get it, there's always tomorrow. We just pick back up where we need to and we move forward in the right direction. Because true obedience is an act of love, and, in return, love is patient. And so I'm thankful to serve a God who is patient with us. Patient to teach us, to guide us, to make sure we understand what we need to do, and to never give up on us as we learn how to get there.
#384 - Because His love is patient.
"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love." - Ephesians 4:2
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