Reason #483

I wanted to wake up early today. I didn't want to be rushed, but more than anything, I just wanted a few moments to spend with Him. A few moments by myself to praise Him. I'll be doing that all day, but in a collective manner, so I just wanted some time alone with my Father.

I stood in the shower this morning and we talked. Water and tears ran down my face and I praised Him for today. For being so good to me. For visibly blessing me in front of the watching world. For holding my hand every step of the way. For filling my lungs with breath each morning. For not allowing me to give up. For making me fight and giving me the strength to do it. For surrounding me with incredible friends and family. For teaching me truth day in and day out. For knowing my heart's desires and needs to being sure to meet them in unconventional ways.

I've realized this is how God works. He is far from ordinary in all He does. It's so easy yet some complex that our human minds cannot comprehend it. Yet God doesn't ask us to understand His ways. In fact, He tells us that His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. But we try so hard to figure it out. What is it that He is doing and why is He doing it this way? All God asks us to do is trust Him, wait on Him, lean on Him, and be obedient to Him. That's really not asking a whole lot, especially since He's leaving all of the big stuff up to Himself.

Well, I'm getting to see it come to fruition today. Not every prayer is always answered on this side of Heaven, but today He is allowing me to live out the answer to one of my prayers. Today, I am living proof of a loving, faithful, good God. Today came in such an unconventional way. This was never how I imagined it going to go down, but it is so much better than anything I could have planned on my own. And so maybe you are still waiting, too. Maybe you've been asking God for something. Maybe you've been asking Him why and how and when. Maybe it just seems like you're never going to get there even though your trying with all your might. And maybe you are leaning on Him, maybe you are trusting Him, maybe you are waiting and being obedient. Keep doing it. Don't give up. And if you give up some days, well, just start believing again. Because I can bet you that God is going to meet that need and desire in a most unconventional way. It probably won't be at the most convenient time, in the easiest fashion, and what you were expecting. It wasn't for me. But it was just what I needed, when I needed, and I wouldn't go about it any differently.

So I praise God for being an unconventional God. For having ways and thoughts that are better than ours, for doing the right thing for us at the right time in the right way. For getting us back on the path we we've wandered off, for picking us up when we fall down, for leading us forward when we are terrified, and for never letting go. For walking with us through the valley and rejoicing with us on the mountain top.

And today, He will lead me down the aisle. With my sweet dad on my right side and all of the people I love most watching, He will walk with me every step of the way as I enter into this new phase of life. This wildly incredible, complete unconventional, totally unexpected, yet so divine chapter that I am ending up is now turning into something more beautiful than I ever imagined for myself. He'll do it for you, too. You just wait because it'll come. When you least expect it, in the form you would have never guessed, you'll be swept off your feet by God's grace and mercy and you'll think, "Wow, God, I didn't see it happening this way. But thank you. Thank you for doing even more than I thought or imagined. It doesn't get any better than this and I now see why you went about it this way. Thank you for loving me so much, for being so good to me, that you always do more than what's good. Rather, you always do what's best." And so to God be the glory. All the glory.

#483 - For an unconventional God who will lead me down the aisle to become Mrs. Davis today.

"All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen." - Jude 1:25


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