Reason #517
Today is my Grandmother’s birthday! I am always excited to write about birthdays and anniversaries, and I’m thankful that my family has had a whole lot of both.
I’m not going to lie, I am not really sure of my grandmother’s age. But I’ll say this, whatever it may be, she sure doesn’t look it. And so, we’ll say she’s turning 30 today, and what better way to celebrate your 30th birthday than with a little tribute?!
As you’re well aware of by now, I grew up living in the same town as my grandparents causing me to be very close to them. They kept me during the day when I was child, and they were always coming to support me in whatever cause or event was happening at the time. Sweet, sweet people who exemplify exactly what grandparents should be like. They spoiled us just enough to keep us from being brats, fed us good food, taught us songs, told us stories and loved us unconditionally. And I wasn’t the only one receiving this treatment. This was spread out over 9 grandkids. Nine really lucky kids who were fortunate to not know the feeling of distant grandparents.
So, back to where I was, my grandparents kept me as a child. It was during those formative years. The years where you are a sponge and soak up/imitate everyone around you. Thankfully, I had really good role models to copy after! Anyway, today, 22 years later, I think about all of the things I love about my Grandmother. The things that I really admire and appreciate. The things she’s instilled in her children and grandchildren, and here are a few things I’ve come up with.
My Grandmother can put anyone to shame when it comes to pie baking. She not only makes delicious pies, she makes them from scratch – crust and all! And if that weren’t enough, she bakes homemade bread, too. Bread that has been formally named, “Grandmother’s bread.” And when a slice of “Grandmother’s bread” is offered, it’s not turned down. She has a fix for everything domestic, too. Cleaning question, clothing question, cooking question – ask her and she’ll know the answer. But more than being an incredible cook and homemaker, she has a sweet, servant’s heart. Because rarely have I made a trip over for a visit to not find brownies or chocolate chip cookies awaiting my arrival simply because she knows they’re my favorite. And anytime I’ve needed help, she’s volunteered to help out. Or if I’ve needed a listening ear, she has listened. She’s cried with me, rejoiced with me, and seen me through a lot. She’s encouraged me, supported me, and lifted my spirits many of times. But she doesn’t just serve her family, she serves the people around her. Faithful to open her home to host, cook a meal, give of her time to help, and to fervently pray for anyone who needs it.
She’s a beautiful woman inside and out. Cute, as Aaron often says, and kind to everyone she meets. A lady whose love for the Lord is apparent. One who shares about it often. Who always makes sure to give God glory and revere Him rightly. Who has passed that on to her children and their children and will even have the opportunity to pass it on to their children. A woman who is creating a wonderful legacy that is being shared and will be shared.
And that’s what I hope for myself, too. That one day I’ll have a lot to show for my hard work. That I’ll have children who I was able to successfully raise well. And that those children will raise their children well, too. And that the trend will continue because of the example that was set. But I suppose I couldn’t really take credit for that anyway, because I was raised by a woman who was raised by this woman, so we’ll keep passing on what she started (although I can’t say the same for the homemade pies and bread).
So happy birthday, Grandmother. You are so sweet and precious to me. I thank the Lord for giving me wonderful examples of strong, Godly women who have been incredible wives and mothers. Women who show strength and dignity in everything they do. Who always walk with grace and who have servant’s hearts. Women who exemplify God’s love and who have established the trend of unwavering faith. I count myself blessed to be part of such a line, part of such a legacy.
#517 - For my Grandmother!
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Her children stand and bless her. Her husband praises her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all!” Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." - Proverbs 31:25-30
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