Reason #571

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. - Genesis 1:1-4
In the beginning, before there ever was, God created. He created it all from nothing. It was empty and dark - everything, which was nothing. In the beginning, God created us. We were nothing. Only empty and dark. Formless. And in the beginning, before we ever were, He was. He is and He has been. There. In the beginning and right now. When we were nothing, He was. When nothing existed, He was there. Hovering over the waters. Waiting. Patiently waiting for us to exist. Waiting for the right moment, the perfect moment, to create something out of nothing. He hovered, covering everything, which was a big, dark, formless nothing.
From the very beginning, He has been present. Never a moment of time He hasn't been there. And then He said it. Speaking over the dark and formless nothing, He created. From non-existence, light came into existence. What was never before now was. The first thing our Creator created was light. Light so that none of creation was subject to exist solely in darkness. From the first moment of creation, God's plan was revealed. From the first words spoken, God sent light into a dark, formless world of nothing so that there would be something. There would always be light. His first words, bringing forth goodness. God said it, and so it was exactly as He said it.
In the beginning, before you were, He knew you would exist. Waiting for the right time to create you. And as you began to become you, as your formless body took on human shape in the dark, empty space, He hovered. The Creator, staying close to the created from the start. And then He spoke and you were. And you entered into this place. You came out of complete darkness into the light. But this light wasn't the light He spoke of. This was the light created by man. Light that ultimately keeps us in the dark. But that's okay, because before man existed, before man created, He did. And He sent this eternal, true light, Jesus Christ, into this dark, formless, nothingness so that we never had to live in darkness- even if the power went out. He sent a good light, a faithful, guiding light, so that no matter how dark it seemed, this light would still shine. This light would never go out and it could never be concealed.
And so even in darkness, He hovers. Staying close and patiently waiting for you to allow Him to create. Allowing Him to send light into your formless spaces of nothing and turn them into something. Because even in the darkness, God has an incredible plan in store. And if we only let Him hover, we'll never know what it is. So we have to invite Him into our dark spaces, formless, empty spaces. We have to let the Creator bring forth light so that we can see and so that we can be saved. We ask Him to create something out of nothing, to bring in the things that didn't exist before. And then we let it be done. Whatever He speaks, we let it be as He says. Because He hovers and waits to speak good things, new things, and life changing things. And it is always excellent in every way.
#571 - Because He hovers over our dark, empty, formless spaces and creates something out of the nothing that's there.
"When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” - John 8:12


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