Reason #696

Today was the perfect reminder as to why I choose comfy over cute when it comes to shoes. Seriously, I don't think my feet could possibly hurt any more than they do right now. High heels look cute, but after making it through a full wedding and reception, I wondered what I was thinking when I packed my bags last night.

Every time I attend a wedding, I always think back to my own. In fact, we were inspired to look back at our wedding pictures tonight and re-live our big day. I just can't help but feel so grateful when I look through them, and it never gets old. Each time I am just amazing, again, at how perfect the day was. Our photographer did an amazing job capturing the joy on our faces that day, and I am pretty sure that look comes back every time I see my wedding photos.

Weddings are a lot of work. You know this if you've ever planned one out yourself or had an active role in the wedding planning process. And even though you know how much time you have to get things ready, it still seems like you're cutting it close in the end. And so it's those last few days when things get crazy. After all, it's those last few days when all the planning and preparation comes to fruition. Aaron, my mom, my grandmother, and myself were in charge of setting up the reception today, and I have to give mad props to my husband for all of his hard work because we would have been up a creek without him. I know most guys aren't excited about attending weddings, but not once did he complain about going to it, about participating in it, or about helping out with whatever needed to be accomplished. He's such a gem, but I think that goes without saying.

It's the little things like that that remind me of how fortunate I am to be married to him. To have a husband who has such a servant's heart. Who is so willing to help at the drop of hat, often without even being asked. To have a husband who takes heavy boxes out of my hands, lightening the load, rather than watching me struggle beneath the weight of them. Who walks out in the freezing rain to pull the car around so that I can stay warm and dry. A husband who keeps a smile on his face even when he is exhausted and is having to give up his weekend to do something he probably never imagined would be required of him. Who will find a solution to any problem. Who stays by my side rather than leaving me on my own so he can do what he wants to do. A husband that will bend to crazy schedules, fulfill extravagant requests, and will do it all with such a sweet and gentle disposition.

I know I brag on Aaron all the time, but he teaches me a lot about the Lord. Aaron is always reminding me of what servant hood looks like. And when I step back and think about all he does, I see how reflective of the Lord it is. Because the Lord, too, desires to lighten our loads. He comes alongside us to carry our heavy burdens rather than watching us struggle under the weight of them. He doesn't abandon His bride in her moments of great need, but stays by her side willing to help her in any way. With compassion, gentleness, and selflessness, He helps her regardless of the task. Making sure she find success in all she does because that's what a helpmate does. Not making her feel like a burden or annoyance, He lends His aid freely because His love for her goes beyond what He will get in return for His service. Rather, He serves because that's who He is. A servant, a helper.

And so I thank God for giving me a husband with a servant's heart. For someone who will spend the majority of his weekend submerged in wedding details. Who will practice for weeks on wedding songs, and even adjust to a last minute change, so that the music will be perfect. A husband who is willing to share of his time, his talent, his energy, and his abilities. I'm grateful for a husband who loves and serves me like the Lord does. And I hope and pray that I, too, can love and serve him in the same way. After all, Jesus put us here to serve, not to be served, and in service is where joy and true contentment are found.

#696 - For a serving husband.

"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen." - 1 Peter 4:10-11


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