Reason #793

I feel like March may never end. Just three more days. This has been the longest month, and I think it's partly due to the weather. In years pasts, I found myself blogging about how nice the weather was towards the end of winter into the early part of spring. That has not been the case this year. If we could have consistently warm weather without a haboob for one week, that'd be a miracle.

We finally got some rain the other day, which was also a miracle. I really can't remember the last time we had rain before that. Aaron, Scout, and I went on a walk this evening and decided to change up our scenery by walking at the park. The park lakes are usually low, but there was absolutely no water in this lake today. Not a drop. I have never, ever seen it like that before. There was absolutely no evidence of the rain we got earlier in the week, and I so wished we could trade in all those days of wind for days of rain.

There are times in life where you have no choice but to depend on God. Drought is one of those times. A time when you can do absolutely nothing but rely on Him to provide. We can't make it rain, and we can't change the weather. We don't determine how much falls, when it finally does, and we don't know when it will, either. A season of scarcity that threatens to take life from you. A season of scarcity that strikes worry and fear within. A season that leaves you feeling completely desperate and helpless. A season when you are at your weakest and reminded that only God can meet your needs.

And so it is the season of prayer and holding out hope. Of trusting that God will provide and believing He will take care of you although you have no idea how or when. A season when you stop trying to figure it out because you have no control and it is apparent. A time when you're challenged to the core and stretched beyond belief. You're tested and refined, and it's not easy. Yet God sends showers when He is ready. When you least expect it, refreshment falls and you are satisfied. You soak it up because you're dying of thirst. You can't get enough because you've been dry for so long. And although it isn't a whole, whole, lot, it's enough to keep you going. Enough to keep you hanging on until the next shower is sent your way. Until drops of grace and mercy hit your hardened surface, slowly softening you up and reminding you that God is good.

God doesn't tell us how much rain He'll send, and He doesn't tell us when, but God promises to send rain. The showers may fall often, or they may be far and few between. But, regardless of their timing, we're reminded of God's goodness with each one. Whether it be an abundance of showers or just enough to keep us going, it is good. Because no drought lasts forever. Rain will eventually come.

#793 - For God's goodness in the rain.

"Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, Lord our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this." - Jeremiah 14:22


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