Reason #835
This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. It’s been one thing after another, and I am ready to get off of this ride. Pretty much every area of my life has been challenged in one way or another, and so I am spent. Feeling totally dried up, I realized that the only way I would see any good was to ask for it. To sit at the feet of our Savior and let Him know I am needing encouragement, so that was my selfish prayer. Lord, please encourage me. Please revive my exhausted spirit. Please show me truth, and please fill me with your joy.
Yesterday was almost a really good day. Truthfully, it was a good day, but I have a hard time not allowing one bad situation to diminish all of the good God has brought about. It’s true, and I think we are all guilty of this. If everything is not going smoothly, if it’s not all going as expected, then everything has gone wrong. In reality, one thing went wrong, ten things went good, and all of the sudden we find ourselves completely discouraged rather than thankful. We aren’t mindful of the day’s blessings because the moment things turned, we stopped counting them. And so that’s why I started my blog 836 days ago. I knew along the way I’d have to be intentional to search for the good things in life, and that’s exactly what I found myself doing last night.
I continue to be amazed at how quickly God acts. Yesterday when I prayed for the things I needed, I received them. Through my friend’s actions, I saw God’s responsiveness and the power of prayer. When I got to work, I saw God’s provision. And when my dad surprised me with flowers, I saw God’s generosity, care, and intentionally. I was reminded of how well God knows our hearts, knows exactly how to speak love straight to them, and will go out of His way to do so. As I talked with my mom, I was reminded of God’s wisdom, tenderheartedness, and loyalty. Of how He is on our side, supports us, and only wants the best for us. Of how nothing is insignificant to Him, we can bring anything to Him, and how He always makes time to listen to our heart’s pleas. When I spent the afternoon outside serving burgers during my lunch hour, I was reminded of God’s perfect timing. Of how He knows just what we need and when we need it. When I snuggled Scout as I fell asleep last night, I was reminded of how God is always near, of His unconditional love, and of His desire to be close to His beloved. And when I look back on my day yesterday, I see God in all things, through all things, and I praise Him for being all things.
A few months ago I blogged about how I was interested to see what God would do in my life this spring. Spring is always seems to be the season where I grow the most in my walk with Lord, which is proving to be true again this year. A time where I am challenged and it’s hard. I mean, who wouldn’t choose smooth sailing over the waves? But it’s the waves that require us to trust God. It’s the waves that remind us we need Him. The waves keep us dependent on our Savior, otherwise we’ll drown. It’s the waves the build our courage and ability. The waves develop perseverance and determination. And the beauty of the waves is that the Lord stands on top of them, reaching out for us, and is faithful to pull us up when we start to go under.
And so this is what I am learning right now. Walking on the waves of insecurity, disappointment, discouragement, confusion, and uncertainty, I am choosing to believe that God will use them to change my life, to change me. That He will continue to hold me up regardless of how hard the waves crash sometimes. And I’m just thankful that He knows how to calm them, but more than anything, I am thankful that we when keep our eyes on Jesus, we can fearlessly and confidently walk on the waves as He draws us closer.
#835 - Because we can fearlessly and confidently walk on the waves as He draws us closer.
"But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come,” Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” - Matthew 14:27-31
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