Reason #985

"As Christians, it is imperative that we develop and maintain our moral authority. We have been called to be influencers. And the world is watching. Christ didn't commission us to become authorities so we could tell people how they ought to live. He called us to be influencers by the way we live so people would want what we have." - Visioneering by Andy Stanley

Some people do it for the money. Some do it for the fame. Some people do it because the Jones' are doing it. Some people do it just to get attention. Some to cause a ruckus. Some do it because they don't know any better. And some do it for acceptance. Some people do it because they don't want to be the only ones not participating. Some people do it because they're afraid of what others might think of them. Then, there are the people who do it because they don't care what anyone things about them...or so they say. There are the people who do it because they want to get a rise out of certain individuals. And some people do it because well, that's just how it's done down here.

But its not about what other people are doing. It's about what God has called you to do. Other people might not honor God with the bodies, but He called you to honor Him with yours. Other people might not be forgiving to those who've hurt them, but He called you to forgive 70 times 7 times. Some people might be unfaithful to their spouse, but God called you to be faithful to yours. Some people might not work hard or ethically at their job, but God has called you to work diligently in all that you do. People may not respect authority, but God has called you to respect those in authority over you. Some people may not honor their father and mother, but God called you to respect yours. Some people might be fine with living out a wavering faith, but God has called you to be steadfast in firm in yours.

We aren't supposed to look like the world. We aren't supposed to cling to the same things the world does. We aren't called to accept and endorse the same things the world deems permissible. As followers of Jesus, we're called to live in this world but not of this world. To honor God in every area of our life, not just one or two. Because if we look like the world, if we blend in and don't show the world the transforming power of Christ, then what's the purpose? How will anybody know the difference if there is no difference?  If we all look the same, then we've missed the point.

The world will never reflect Christ, and if we're waiting for that to happen then we'll never stop waiting. The only way people will see what living for Christ looks like is if His children make a point to follow His example and be the example. We're not called to be perfect. That's impossible. We're simply called to be different. To live lives that will inevitably make mistakes but lives that are repentant and desire to get back on track. Lives that long to please God and make conscious decisions to do exactly that. It probably won't be popular or widely accepted, but I think that's how you know you're getting it right. Because in the end, it should matter more to us if God is pleased than if man is pleased. After all, it's in daily living to please God that we see the true servants of Christ.

#985 - For His influence on our lives so that we can influence others for His name.

"As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more." - 1 Thessalonians 4:1


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