following Christ requires more than good intentions...

No one said following Jesus was easy. Jesus, himself, never promised that. In fact, he said we'd have to give up our lives to follow him. That means our selfishness, our sinful desires, our own agendas and plans. To follow Jesus, we'd have to sacrifice. We'd have to walk the narrow road. We'd have to submit when we didn't feel like submitting. We'd have to dig down deep and rely on our faith when things got hard. We'd have to stand firm when we really wanted to give up. We'd have to stand out when we wanted to blend in. And we'd have to put forth effort. Jesus didn't call us to a lifestyle of ease and luxury. No, following Christ requires something from us. As Kyle Idleman said, "[We] want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires anything from [us]." (Not a Fan) Yet even Jesus said we needed to count the cost and then take up our cross and follow him. It requires something on our part, and that something, usually that really hard, really difficult, really challenging something is the very thing He uses to teach us and make us look more and more like Him.

Aaron and I decided it was time to get in shape since we have a vacation planned for the end of summer that involves bathing suits. We take Scout on walks, but let's be real, a 30 minute dog walking session isn't going to give anyone a beach body. We can think it all we want, and we can even believe it with our whole hearts, but the truth is, we weren't going to look any different no matter how many evening walks we took. We knew the truth, and we knew that the only way we were really going to get in shape was to hit the gym and hit it hard. I'll be honest with you, I hate working out. I hate sweating. I hate being uncomfortable. I hate when my chest gets tight, I can hardly breathe, and I can feel my heart beating in my face. I've never been one to physically push myself. I figured I'd do my best to control my shape by my diet. And, well, I've managed to do so but I haven't built a single muscle by choosing to just eat one cookie instead of two. And since no one knows what I look like underneath my clothes, I could easily pass for someone who is in shape. But the bathroom mirror was proving me wrong, and I finally accepted the fact that my good intentions were never going to get me ready for the beach. Only one thing would get me to that point, and it wasn't going to be easy.

Three weeks ago we decided we were going to get serious with our workout routine, and by that, I mean we decided we'd actually start working out. Aaron signed us up for a free session at this little gym near our house. I dreaded the first session. I was simply hoping I'd manage to live through it. That was my goal. Don't die. I barely made it through the class, and for the next 3 days I could hardly walk. But I got my results after that one hour of pain and perseverance, and I saw that I had burned over 600 calories. I am certain that's more calories than I burn in a week on my well intended walks. All of the sudden, it didn't seem so bad. I told myself, "Hey, you can endure one sweat-filled hour to get those kind of results." And so we handed over our credit card, signed an agreement, and three weeks later I'm starting to notice some changes in my body. It's definitely not a breeze, and I don't think it ever will be, but it is getting easier and I'm starting to enjoy it.

I can only imagine what I'll look like in 3 months. After exerting this much time and effort towards getting in shape, I should see some serious results. I should not look like the same person. And, it should be noticeable to others, too. But it won't be coming without a cost. It will come because of hard work, perseverance, dedication, and effort. It will happen because I made the decision to go to the gym rather than watch Netflix in the evenings (of course, I think you know which one I'd be more inclined to do). It will be because I sacrificed time, money, sweat, and energy. Because I accepted the truth that doing nothing wasn't going to get anywhere, produce any visible results, or really benefit my health in any major way. The only way I'm going to get in shape is to do my part... and it's hard. But it's not in vain.

That's how things go for Christ followers, too. I have had some really, really, really, really, really difficult seasons in my life. It has not been full of rainbows and butterflies. There have been days where I haven't wanted to even get out of bed. Days where I cried... a lot. Days where I have been so frustrated, so discouraged, so disappointed that I wondered if it would ever turn around. I've had to deny myself the things I wanted. I've had to watch my plans fall to pieces. I've been told "no" over and over again, and I haven't always gotten my way. I've had to give up things I would have rather had. I've had let go of the things I really wanted. But at the end of the day, it's worth it. At the end of the day, the price I pay is so small compare to what Christ did for me that it's the least I can do. The sacrifice he made for me, the love he pours out on me, the grace he lavishes on me, and the mercy he shows me is more than I deserve. And so I want to be close to him. I want to walk in his light, taste of his goodness. I want to receive all that he has to give. But it will require something of me. Obedience, faithfulness, trust, patience. Things I don't come by naturally, things I have to work really hard to give. I can't stand by doing nothing and hoping for the same result as if I was actively pursuing and obeying Him. I have to put forth effort in my relationship with Christ, and when I do, my life is different, my life is changed. Not perfect, not always easy, but better. Better because I know that my efforts aren't wasted. No, they are making an eternal difference.

"Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?" - Luke 9:23-25


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