because you're a big deal... you matter...

I think this is the longest I have gone without blogging. I'm sure you can figure out why, as I've sounded like a broken record about how busy my life has been. Going a week without writing makes me feel like I'm losing my skills, so I figured it was time to share words before I get rusty. Plus, today is my birthday, so there's plenty to say about that.

I used to think "late-20s" was so old and mature. I'm starting to rethink my opinion because late-20s still feels like early 20s. Like 20, really. I don't know how I got here so quickly, but I'm thankful I did. Well, maybe not as quickly as I did, but you know what I mean.

I've seen that over the years that birthdays become dreaded events for a lot people. We look forward to our birthdays as children. We can't wait to turn a year older, to celebrate another year of life. But then one day we look up and say, "Oh no, not another year! I'm getting too old!" In fact, I've heard people say that they've stopped celebrating birthdays after a particular age. A red flag of denial. Sometimes I'll hear people say things like, "It's no big deal. It's just another day." But it's not another day. It's another birthday, another year of life. And if you ask me, celebrating another year of life is a pretty big deal.

You may be thinking, "Me? A big deal? I don't think so." But you are a big deal. If you weren't a big deal, the Creator of the Universe would have never breathed life into your lungs. If you weren't a big deal, He wouldn't have taken the time to form you in your mother's womb. He wouldn't know you by name, know the number of hairs on your head, or the number of your days. He wouldn't have intentionally crafted a perfect plan for your life. And, He certainly wouldn't have sent His Son to die for your sins if you weren't a big deal. If you didn't matter.

But you matter. Every single year of your life matters. The years that are wonderful, the ones that are hard, the ones you regret, and the ones you've got in front of you. They all matter. Why, you ask? Because you have a purpose. You are chosen, you are loved, you have been redeemed. Child of God, you matter. You're not here by mistake. Your previous years, they are no mistake. God uses each one to mold us, to teach us, to refine us, and to draw us closer to Him. And that's what we celebrate. Sure, we celebrate the fact that we've got a new year of life in front of us, but more than that, we celebrate the years that God has allowed us. We celebrate His graciousness. We celebrate all He has done over the previous year of life, and we thank Him that new mercies lie ahead for the coming year.

Age is a gift. Each year, a blessing. And every single one of them is worth celebrating!

"When you give them your breath, life is created, and you renew the face of the earth. May the glory of the Lord continue forever! The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made!" - Psalm 104:30-31


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