the secret's out...

Well Sugar Bug, your secret is out! We now know that you are a sweet little girl! Honestly, I kind of knew it from the beginning. I just had this feeling, and I started having dreams about you. At first, I could never see you in the dream so I had no idea what you looked like. But the past few weeks, I've been having dreams that you were a girl. I think God give moms really incredible intuition, kind of like a super power or something, and my intuition was right. We saw your face on Thursday, and it seemed that we could go either way, but I could definitely tell that you look like your dad. The Davis family has some seriously strong genes. I'm anxious to see if you'll get our blue eyes. The sonographer said you are a petite little thing, and you were squirming all over the place as she tried to measure your legs, so maybe you'll be our tiny dancer. Your dad is already joking that we will have to start a wedding fund. That thought hadn't really occurred to me yet, but I bet that day will be here before we know it.

We haven't decided on a name for you yet, so we'll stick with Sugar Bug for a while. We're working on something, so hopefully we can decide on a name for you before October. I've asked the Lord to give us the name He wants us to call you, so we'll just keep waiting until we know.  When I stop and think about the fact that He already knows your name, even though we don't, and that He knows the color of your eyes, the color of your hair, whether you got your dad's long legs or my short, stubby ones, how tall you'll be when you stop growing one day, what your talents are, what your passions will be, I'm amazed. Amazed that the Lord already has your days all planned out, your story written, and I'm especially amazed that He is letting me be a part of it.

I've been dreaming about motherhood since I was a little girl. Your Grammy and I are really close, and I always hoped that one day I would have a daughter of my own. I hoped that we would have the same close relationship, too. Of course, your Grammy is a really incredible mother, and so I hope I can be the same to you. I certainly won't be perfect, but I want you to know that I'll be here for you. And even if I don't understand (although I probably will), I want you to come to me for help, for advice, for encouragement. Because even if it has been a while, I'll remember. We women don't forget things easily, as you'll learn, and I want you to know that regardless of what you face, you'll never face it alone. The joys in life, the heartbreaks and disappointments, I'll be there. I'll be there to squeal with excitement and jump up and down to celebrate the good things, and I'll sit and cry with you when you go through tough things. Because life isn't easy. I want you to know that from the beginning. We serve a generous God who always works things out for our good, but this world is full of struggles and disappointments, and I won't be able to keep those away from you. I'll try, trust me, but sometimes we hurt. Sometimes our dreams are smashed. Sometimes we're let down. But don't you ever, ever wonder if you're loved. Don't you ever wonder if you're valued and important. Don't you ever question your worth or purpose. And don't you ever believe that you're not good enough. You, my Sugar Bug, are fearfully and wonderfully made. Loved and treasured and intentionally created by God to be who you are. He has knit you together, the way you look, the personality and gifts you have, and God doesn't make mistakes. The world might try to convince you otherwise, but God's word tell us differently. God's word is truth.

We've got quite the adventure before us, sweet one. I can't even imagine what all God has in store for you, for our family, but I know that it is good. And my prayer for you is that you will come to an early knowledge of the Lord. That as we read about Jesus, as we talk about Him, as we pray together and learn some of those good old Southern Baptist Hymns, you will choose to surrender your heart to Him and commit to following Him all of your days. There's this story in the gospels about people bringing their babies to Jesus, and I think that's the best thing a parent can do. Anyway, Jesus welcomes the children and he says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Luke 18:16-17) Although I can't wait for the day I get to hold you in my arms, I really can't wait for the day that you make the decision to accept Jesus as your Savior. I can't wait to see Him through your sweet little eyes. To watch you love Him and serve Him. We thank Him for you. For the life He is giving you. For the joy that you're bringing to us. And we just praise Him that He would entrust with your life. We know that you will bless us immensely, and we pray that God will use us to bless you in return!

"Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." - Psalm 127:3-5


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