Reason #45

I sit here tonight not sure how to put my thoughts into words. My heart is busting at the seams with joy and gratitude.

Today was a very surprising and shocking day at work. I'm not at liberty to go into details, however, for those of you who watch the local news, you've probably heard of the looming changes the bank I work for is facing. We all gathered this morning to hear the breaking news from our CEO, and I left the meeting feeling anxious. My first reaction was to start worrying. You see, I love my job. I love my boss, I love what I get to do, I love my co-workers, and I love my employer. I also seriously dislike change. My life has been through enough change over the past 5 months, so I was very thankful to have a stable, good job. Well, it looks as if change is returning. However, I am glad to share with you that the news of this potential change was a HUGE distraction today, and for that I am so thankful (thank you, Lord for good distractions).

Well, along with these pending changes, I have been battling thoughts. I shared some of my deepest thoughts with you yesterday, but I have many more thoughts floating around in my head. I began praying for truth, but was very specific in what I needed a truthful answer for.

Well, He spoke to me. Actually, He has been speaking to me but He spoke exceptionally loud tonight. It was clear, it was truth and it was good. I was reading through Jeremiah 31, and the truth jumped right off the page. In fact, I probably would have missed this truth except He made sure to place a very specific word in the verse, one He knew I would not miss. Then, He reminded me, "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32)

As he poured this truth into my heart, I had the desire to just sit at his feet a weep for a minute, but I began to get so excited that I didn't wait to interrupt what he was saying, so I read on. I realized as I sat there reading over Jeremiah 31, that I was devouring every word I read and craving the next. I have never experienced reading a passage of scripture like this before, and I now understand what he meant when he said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." (Matthew 5:6) Oh, how he blessed me tonight as he filled me with the truth of his word!

As I soaked in the words of my Father, I realized that the worry of today didn't even matter. Oh, what another beautiful, good distraction! I love the moments when he wraps me up so tightly that I completely forget what is going on around me. I forget the worries, anxieties, and stresses in my life as I realize how insignificant they are compared to the goodness and mercy of my Savior. Nothing matters when I am sitting at his feet, hearing his voice wash over me as he lovingly speaks the truths my heart so desperately needs to hear.

#45 - He speaks truth!

"I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness...I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right." - Isaiah 45:19

"The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." - Psalm 145:18


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