Reason #46

I have gotten into the habit of taking bubble baths. I am amazed at how relaxing and therapeutic warm baths are. I'm pretty sure I have taken more bubble baths in the last 3 months than I have during my lifetime. In fact, I have used up 3 bottles of bubbles in 2 months.

As I sat in the bath tonight, I thought about the many uses of water. We use it to bathe, clean our dishes, do our laundry, wash our car, give our plants life, brush our teeth, and most importantly, to drink. There are a lot of uses for water and there is quite a need for it, too.

Water brings refreshment to parched land. Water brings relief from drought. Water sustains, saves and gives life.

In Genesis 21, Hagar and her son, Ishmael, were sent away due to Sarah's jealousy. Ishmael was the product of the "plan" devised by Sarah and Abraham, but that didn't stop Sarah from having harsh feelings towards Hagar. Sarah told Abraham to send the two away. As they wandered through the desert, they ran out of water. Hagar left Ishamel under a bush and began to cry as she saw his life slowly slipping away. God heard their cries and opened her eyes to see a well of water. He used this water to bring refreshment in the parched land and to sustain their lives.

In Exodus, the Israelites felt trapped by the Red Sea. God was with them at the water and he parted it so that they could go through and escape from the Egyptians. He used this water to save their lives. As they wandered in the desert, they began to thirst so Moses struck a rock with his staff and water flowed from it. He used this water to bring them relief in a place of drought.

In John 4, Jesus met a Samaritan woman who had come to a well to get water. He asked her for a drink. She was surprised that he, a Jew, would even bother to speak to a Samaritan woman. Jesus shared with her that he could offer her living water so that she would never thirst again. She gladly accepted and even shared her story so that her friends could also drink of the living water, too. He used his living water to give this Samaritan woman new life.

In John 19, Jesus hung on a cross as he bore the sins of all humanity. He breathed out his last breath and the time came for his body to be laid in a tomb. To ensure that all life was gone from his body, he was pierced in the side with a spear and blood and water flowed to the ground. He used this water to save our lives.

Water, we can't live without it. Our bodies depend on it. Even when I go through droughts or wander in a parched land, I'm thankful to know that he will meet me at the well and give me a drink of the living water that will save me, sustain me and give me new life.

#46 - Water.

"You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water." - Psalm 63:1


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