Reason #64

Oh, it's good to be home! I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Hungary, but there's no place like home. Our flight was delayed this morning as there was dense fog in Lubbock. I started to feel a little annoyed at the fact that our departure time kept getting pushed back and then I thought to myself, "I need to be grateful for the moisture we are getting rather than complaining about it." Lubbock got some rain while I was gone, and I could definitely tell a difference when I got home today.

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was out, the air was warm, and I could see some green here and there. The trees have been blooming over the past few weeks, but today, I saw leaves! The grass is starting to come to life, too. I've seen green patches here and there, and my excitement grows because it is just more proof that we are entering into my favorite season. My, what a difference a little moisture and sunshine can make!

Nothing warms my heart more than to see color entering back into nature. I anticipate spring all winter long because I know how beautiful and enjoyable the season is. I also love the fact that the sun stays up a little longer so that we can enjoy the colors for a few extra hours each day. Don't you think the reason spring is so refreshing is because it is drastically different than the season it follows? We spend a few months in a dull, colorless, dead season. A cold, dry season where darkness lasts longer than the light. Personally, I think spring is the reward for hanging in through the winter.

As I spent time in Hungary, I felt like a new season began for me. I started to feel warmth. I started to feel moisture enter this dry, arid wilderness. It seems as if the winter I've known is starting to come to an end. Little colorful patches of life are starting to emerge. Sure, they've been there all along, but they were lying dormant as the cold, dark environment kept them from growing. He showered down blessings and truth on me and the little patches soaked it all up and began to come to life. Color is starting to return! Could this be proof of entering into a new season? I sure hope so!

#64 - the reward of spring!

"I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing." - Ezekiel 34:26


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