Reason #77

Busy. I have been busy. This week has been packed full of things to do. Things to get done. Things I didn't get done. Things that I'll hopefully get done before a new week starts and I'm once again busy. And this month has been full of changes. Change even came about today, and it appears as if that will be the case for quite a while. Busy changing.

I look back at the end of the week and I can't believe it has already passed. Where did time go? What did I do this week? And now, I'm already thinking about what I need to do next week. I desire a moment for time to slow down. A little break. A long weekend.

But I recall 6 months ago when time stood still. It seemed as if the days drug on. One day felt like a week. One week felt like a month. Three months felt like a year. I thought time would never pick up. I was depending on every second. Time was of value and it was ticking, slowly ticking. And so I hung on to every second, not sure what changes it would bring. The only thing I was busy doing was worrying. I had all the time in the world to worry. And although everyone around me seemed to move at a regular pace, I didn't. Would life ever return to normal? And during that time, I clung to Him. I had nothing else to do but to cling. No where else I wanted to be than near Him. The slowness of time kept me at His feet. And the worry of changes made the hands on the clock creep by at a cruel pace.

And then in a moment in time, everything changed. A stamp, a signature. Time stopped and a new time began. If there's a thing I learned during that time, that slow, unenjoyable time, it's that worry doesn't help the time to pass quickly. Just as He told us in His word, worry doesn't add minutes, it makes the existing minutes miserable. Time is not worth the worry. And once I figured this out, the days began to move faster. The weeks began to feel shorter. And now we are a quarter of the way through this year. I look back and I can't believe it's 2012. I can't believe I made it out of 2011. Time has flown, and life has started to return to a state of normalcy, the "new norm," for now.

And my biggest fear in all of this busy-ness, these changes, is that I'll forget where to spend my time. How to spend my time. When time is not on my side, I spend my time at His side. When time is on my side, who's side am I at? How I am so unworthy of His time, but He gives it to me without measure. If there's one thing we need time for, it's to spend it with the One who gives us the time. And may it be time well spent, time that doesn't pass too quickly, time to remember, and time to praise Him... for another second, another minute, another day.

#77 - Because He gives me time!

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." - Psalm 90:12


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