Reason #171
I was supposed to be out of town this week. I should have been on a plane flying north today. But when my alarm went off, I got ready and went to work. I sat in my office feeling... well, I wasn't sure how I was feeling. Grateful, confused, odd. Because today was also a strange day at work. The first day of a new transition. A few more empty desks and a few more people who aren't a part of my every day life any more.
So I began my morning routine of eating half a bagel smothered in strawberry cream cheese, drinking a chai latte, and looking up the verse of the day. And as I read the words, my heart sped up. Words picked out just for me, because He knew. Words that I probably wouldn't have held so dear one year ago. Words I had to text to my mom because she would understand why they meant so much to me. I just had to share them. And as I did, I was reminded, once again, at how He goes before me, preparing in advance. I was reminded that He sees me. And most of all, I was reminded how He meets my every need.
“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10)
Maybe you're thinking this is an unsual set of verses to pick out. A strange few to get excited about. But as I read these verses, I heard Him say, "Don't worry. I will take care of everything, and I will take care of you."
Take care of me. I like the idea of that. Because the truth is, I get tired of taking care of things on my own quite often. I get tired of taking care of chores around the house, taking care of the bills, taking care of things at work, taking care of my sweet dog (but she's well worth it), taking care of my health, taking care of my meals, taking care of my car... you get the idea. I just get tired of it somedays. And aside from poorly attempting to take good care of myself, I have a hard time with not trying to take care of other things for God. I worry about how He'll take care of things, when He'll take care of things, the order in which He'll take care of things, and as I concerned myself with such thoughts this morning, He simply reminded and reassured me that He is a God who takes care of things.
Tonight, I am recalling these words. Tonight, before I close my eyes, I realize how important this revelation is, so I am making every attempt to hide it in my heart. And I think about how well He takes care of me. Really, it's so much easier, way less stressful, when I let Him take care of me and of others versus when I try to help Him out. So I rest in knowing that I don't have to do it all. He doesn't expect me to do it all. I can call on Him to help and He will.
And as I find myself typing in bed again tonight, with sweet Scout snuggled by my legs, my heart is at peace because I have, once again, seen how God has taken care of me. And I praise Him that, as I sat at my desk today, He poured out His love and compassion on me in such an obvious way.
I saw the video below about a year ago and the song popped into my head tonight as I got ready for bed. I love the words, the sweet little guy who is belting them out, and the simple, true reminder that "God WILL take care of [me]..."
#171 - Because He will always take care of me.
"Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." - Psalm 55:22
So I began my morning routine of eating half a bagel smothered in strawberry cream cheese, drinking a chai latte, and looking up the verse of the day. And as I read the words, my heart sped up. Words picked out just for me, because He knew. Words that I probably wouldn't have held so dear one year ago. Words I had to text to my mom because she would understand why they meant so much to me. I just had to share them. And as I did, I was reminded, once again, at how He goes before me, preparing in advance. I was reminded that He sees me. And most of all, I was reminded how He meets my every need.
“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10)
Maybe you're thinking this is an unsual set of verses to pick out. A strange few to get excited about. But as I read these verses, I heard Him say, "Don't worry. I will take care of everything, and I will take care of you."
Take care of me. I like the idea of that. Because the truth is, I get tired of taking care of things on my own quite often. I get tired of taking care of chores around the house, taking care of the bills, taking care of things at work, taking care of my sweet dog (but she's well worth it), taking care of my health, taking care of my meals, taking care of my car... you get the idea. I just get tired of it somedays. And aside from poorly attempting to take good care of myself, I have a hard time with not trying to take care of other things for God. I worry about how He'll take care of things, when He'll take care of things, the order in which He'll take care of things, and as I concerned myself with such thoughts this morning, He simply reminded and reassured me that He is a God who takes care of things.
Tonight, I am recalling these words. Tonight, before I close my eyes, I realize how important this revelation is, so I am making every attempt to hide it in my heart. And I think about how well He takes care of me. Really, it's so much easier, way less stressful, when I let Him take care of me and of others versus when I try to help Him out. So I rest in knowing that I don't have to do it all. He doesn't expect me to do it all. I can call on Him to help and He will.
And as I find myself typing in bed again tonight, with sweet Scout snuggled by my legs, my heart is at peace because I have, once again, seen how God has taken care of me. And I praise Him that, as I sat at my desk today, He poured out His love and compassion on me in such an obvious way.
I saw the video below about a year ago and the song popped into my head tonight as I got ready for bed. I love the words, the sweet little guy who is belting them out, and the simple, true reminder that "God WILL take care of [me]..."
#171 - Because He will always take care of me.
"Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." - Psalm 55:22
Heard from Ann Voskamp in a recent interview: When I choose stress, am I not advertising the unreliability of God?