Reason #198

Sometimes random memories pop into my head. I'll see something or hear something and it triggers a strange memory from a long time ago. As I was sitting in church this morning, I thought back to a game I used to play as a little girl. A girly game, for sure. It was called "Dream Phone." I LOVED this game. So here's how it worked (from what I can recall). You had a board covered with the faces of boys who had old men's names and were sporting horrific 90's fashion. Really, there were only 2 guys on that board that were decently good looking. I'm sure they were all very nice boys, but that's beside the point. Anyhow, you would draw a few of their cards and then give each boy a phone call on a gigantic hot pink phone. With each call, the "boy" on the other end of the line would give you a clue as to who liked you. Each girl was given a little clue scratch pad and so you'd go down and mark off the clues as you received them. For example, you'd call Martin (as if anyone still names their kid Martin these days) and he'd say, "It's not me, but the guy who likes you ISN'T wearing a green shirt." And so you'd look around the board to see who was wearing a green shirt and then mark them off of your list. After all of your phone calls, you'd make an educated guess as to who the lucky guy was. Once you had an idea, you'd give him a call and hope you were right. And so you'd dial his number with eager anticipation, the phone would ring, and if you were fortunate, if you had guessed right from all of the clues you had been given by the other boys, he'd say, "You're right, I really like you!" Simple as that. You won. Game over!

If only life was this easy. If only we could just make a simple phone call and get some helpful knowledge. If we could just have one big scratch pad for our process of elimination. If only we could have clearer direction, a little help along the way. An easy clue. But it doesn't work like that. It's not so simple. Sometimes we don't have clear direction even though we ask around. And sometimes we have lots of options, too many options, and so how do we choose? How do we know which direction to go? We don't want to pick the wrong thing. We don't want to regret our choice afterwards. We want to have assurance that we're making the right decision, moving in the right direction. If we could just get that confirming call. "You're right..." If only that hot pink telephone could aid in solving the rest of life's questions.

But the Dream Phone is a thing of the past. A phone with limited powers and numbers. And Martin can no longer help me out in the least. So I find myself a little nervous and scared when it comes to those big questions. I look for clues and I ask, but really, what I want, is a big sign. An arrow, a text message, writing in the clouds, something really obvious. I don't want to mess up, and truthfully, sometimes I'm a little scared to take a risk because what if I choose the wrong thing, what if I make a mistake that can't be corrected? What if I land myself back into a spot that I don't want to be in?

So I have struggled with this. Wrestled and had a hard time trying to figure out how I was going to figure it out, if that makes sense. What was I going to do? But here's what I began to learn. I began to realize that I was spending too much time thinking and asking and not enough time listening. Just listen. Listen closely. Because the clues are there. The hints are being dropped, but you have to be an active listener to catch on. Just like 'Dream Phone' all I could do was dial and listen. I couldn't ask questions, I couldn't argue, I couldn't talk back. All I could do was listen to the quick clue, take it, and use it for a little guidance. And the thing was, the clues came one by one rather than all together. And I see that this is how God works. He doesn't write us signs in the sky. He doesn't place arrows in our paths so that we can see clearly which way to go. But He guides us if we'll just pay attention and listen. If we'll stop talking, stop telling Him what we want Him to do, stop giving Him instructions on how to guide us, He'll clearly show us what choice to make or what direction to take. But the key to remember here is that when He shows us, when He makes it clear, when He drops you a clue, you must believe Him, trust Him and be obedient to listen and follow it. Take it to heart and move in that direction, make that decision. It may be a little scary, it may be just what you've been hoping for, it may be way out of your comfort zone, or it may be keeping you right where you are. But just do it. Trust Him and do it.

And you'll see that when you start to listen, when you start to find the clues and take them rather than resisting them, you won't need a voice at the other end of the line saying, "You're right..." Because He'll give you a peace about it, an assurance, and you'll know deep down that it was the right thing to do.

#198 - Because He gives us the clues that guide us in the right direction.

"Lord, you are mine! I promise to obey your words! With all my heart I want your blessings. Be merciful as you promised. I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands. "- Psalm 119:57-60

"The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?" - Proverbs 20:24


  1. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you so eloquently, this post spoke truth to my heart!


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