Reason #387

We made it home in record time today. Time to turn on the Super Bowl, however, I'm too tired to even think about that. Really, I am not even sure who is playing and truthfully, it doesn't matter to me. There is one football team I'm concerned with, so if I don't see red and black on the football field, I'm not too concerned about watching the game.

My mom went to Dallas with  me this weekend. We crammed in as much as possible during our stay there, and I have to say we definitely made the most of our time. Since I started my new job a month ago, I don't have any vacation time to use. As soon as I got off of work on Friday, I hurried home so that we could be on the road before 6:00. We stopped in Sweetwater to spend the night with my aunt and attempt to get some rest. Of course, all of the women in my family are night owls and chatter boxes, so we did not manage to get to bed as early as we should have. Seven hours later we were up getting ready to hit the road. A pit stop in Cisco for breakfast, on to Cedar Hill for a baby shower, and we ended the night in Grapevine for dinner. We trugged back into our hotel room at 9:45 last night completely exhausted. The morning came too soon and we were up for breakfast with friends before heading back to Lubbock.

We covered 700 miles in 48 hours, and if we're being generous, we maybe totaled 14 hours of sleep. It was a quick trip. I had intended to go on this trip long ago, as my main incentive was to see my friend, Emily, who was in town from Chicago. I mentioned the trip to my mom and asked if she'd be interested in accompanying me. I don't know about you, but I any time I get to spend with my mom is a good time. She, of course, agreed to go with me right away. And so, as excited as I was to get to see some of my best girl friends while on this trip, I was really looking forward to just spending some good quality one on one time with my mom.

Moms are the best. They really are, and I realize on a daily basis how fortunate I am to have mine. I seriously can't imagine life without her. This weekend, we talked a lot about babies as Emily is going to be a mom soon. Many of my friends are becoming parents, which totally blows my mind. I have a hard time realizing that we're old enough for this to be happening. Anyhow, it's just amazing to think about what all is required of a parent. Truthfully, it's a tad bit overwhelming to me so I think I'll stick with Scout for a while. But moms definitely have their work cut out for them from day one, and I mean day one. For 9 months they selflessly share their bodies with little beings who kick them in the gut over and over, stretch their skin to the max, make the feel all sorts of strange things, and then they have to painfully bring them into this world. That's just the beginning.  And once you're a mom, you're always a mom. No matter how old your baby gets, it's still your baby. But we babies grow up and we rush through life. We spend so much time trying to fight for our independence. We want to be free, be our own people, step out and take on this world by ourselves. And so we hurry up and grow up. As fast as we can, we jump from the nest and our sweet moms are there the whole time watching and hoping we'll be able to actually fly.

You're only a kid once. You have twenty years of life, give or take a few, to enjoy as a dependent. Years to suck your parents bank account dry, to eat them out of house and home, and to take advantage of having all inclusive, free room and board. And for some strange reason we can't wait to be out of there. If only we realized that we would spend the other 60+ years of our lives doing this for ourselves, we might not only a.) be more appreciative, but b.) not will ourselves to grow up so fast. And so when I spend time with my mom, I am reminded of this. Because even as an adult, my mom still takes care of me. When she picked me up on Friday, she had a gigantic brownie waiting for me because she knows they are my favorite. She selflessly drove us to, from and all over Dallas. She booked our hotel room and made travel arrangements. She agreeably did every thing I had on my "to-do" list with a smile on her face. And, even when I totally got us lost in Dallas, she calmly pulled the car over, got out her trusty paper map and got us safely to our destination. My mom really is the best.

I don't know how she does it. I don't know how she did it all these years, either. She managed to work full time, have dinner on the table every night, make sure our clothes were always cleaned and ironed, our house spotless, our tummies full, our hearts content, our lives fun, and our health in check. She attended every recital, program, awards assembly and pep rally. I never remember her complaining about this either. I'm sure, no I know, we probably wore her plum out and drove her insane some days, but she always smothered us with love. And this hasn't changed.

And so I always look forward to time with my mom because we don't have near the time together that we used to. Of course, not living under the same roof and being her dependent has caused this, and that's definitely a good thing. But I apprecaite those moments where we can just be Brittnye and mom. Where I can just have her undivided attention and talk to her about life. Time where we can be girls, make memories, and time where I can learn from her.

I really do want to be a mom someday. One day, I think I will have enough courage to take the step, too. And I just thank the Lord for giving me the most incredible mother to learn from. I praise Him that she was not only able to be my mom but that she also wanted to be my friend. And I only hope that she passed on her super-mom-genes to me. We'll see when we get there. But I'm so glad for this weekend. Glad for time to catch up with sweet friends, celebrate new life, and spend some good quality time with one of my most favorite people ever!

#387 - For quick weekend trips, time to catch up with sweet friends, and my awesome mom (who was mistaken for my sister)!

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness." - Proverbs 31:25-27


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