Reason #390

My heart is so full tonight. My throat is slowly closing up and I don't feel well, but I could care the less. I love when God does this for me. I love when He overwhelms me and encourages me in a mighty way. I love the Lord. I love Him so much. I only wish I could come up with words that could adequately express how I feel about Him. I'm glad He knows our hearts because He so often leaves me speechless.

Tonight, I was so blessed to be surrounded by a group of sweet sisters. We gathered in my living room, got to know one another a little better, and enjoyed some brownies. It's hard to beat a combination like that! We are starting the study of Ruth, which I am so excited about. Ruth is a person that anyone can connect with. Talk about a lady who has experienced it all. And so I can't wait to see what God is going to show us as we spend the next couple of months reading through Ruth.

Ruth's story is about so much. Love, loss, devastation, bitterness, sorrow, restoration, redemption, joy, and new beginnings. Really, it's all in the book of Ruth. And girls, well, we love love. Simple as that. I would venture to say, however, that the human race loves love. We want to be loved, and there's not a feeling like it. And so we get our fix through Disney movies and chick flicks. We read loves stories and sing songs about it. In fact, we've even given love its very own holiday.

I've learned so much about love over the past year and half. I've learned how to love and how to be loved. More than that, I've learned what love really looks and feels like. And so, I'm going to be a little sappy for a moment. I'm going to spend a few minutes reminiscing about love. Hang in there with me. Maybe you'll get something from this, too.

They say you never forget your first love. Do you remember it? Do you remember his or her name? Do you remember what they looked like, what they sounded like, how you felt each time you saw them? Your heart skipped a beat before it took off like a race car. Your couldn't hide that joyous smile permanently plastered across your face. You did things you never thought you'd do. You said silly things that, coming out of anyone else's mouth would sound ridiculous, but coming from you, it made perfect sense. You thought about them day in and day out. And you couldn't wait until the next time you saw them. Maybe it was in the hall as you changed classes, at the coffee shop you frequented once you found out they did too, or maybe it was after the day was done and you were headed home. Because this person swept you off of your feet. They made you feel all sorts of feelings you didn't know were possible. They completed you in some way or another, and you just couldn't imagine life without them. Every moment you spent in their presence was pure bliss. You couldn't get enough even if you tried. And maybe you did try, but that craving to be near them was insatiable. You were satisfied, completely content, and you couldn't possibly want or ask for more.

Love is a feeling and love is a choice. And somedays, even when the feeling is gone, you must choose to love. Growing up, I had this idea of what love looked like. I had ideas about how love was displayed and how love portrayed itself. But reality eventually comes knocking and you realize love looks completely different than you thought. Every girl wants that knight in shining armor. Every girl is hoping He will come galloping up, swoop her up into his arms, and save her. A strong, brave man on his way to rescue the damsel in distress. And when he came, it wouldn't matter anymore because all would be right. She would be out of harm's way forever, completely taken care of, treated like a queen, and cherished rightly so. Captivated and captivating, it would be perfect.

Well here's the one thing I've learned about God when it comes to love. I've really never had to make a choice to love Him because I can't help but love Him. He has been my knight in shining armor so many times. He has saved the day and rescued me over and over. Just when it looked dismal and I was in total distress, He has showed up. Love has been there for me when I needed it. And I have realized that when you are in love with Him, when you become captivated by this very one who is the definition of love, things really don't matter anymore. You are safe, out of harm's way, completely taken care of, treated like a queen and cherished. And really, how could you not totally and completely love someone who would do such a thing for you?

And so, He makes me feel that way so many times. My heart could just burst open because of what He has done and is doing for me. I could jump for joy because of the love He showers down on me. And His love is so extravagant, yet He loves us in such simple ways, too. Tonight, I could feel the love. Tonight, He swept me off of my feet and left me at a loss for words. And my heart is so grateful for that. I'm grateful for this incredible God who has captivated me, once again. Grateful for the opportunity to really experience and see true love first hand. God is love, and so you don't have to look any further for it. Because a love like His is incomparable, and once you've experienced it, you'll never be able to get enough!

#390 - Because He sweeps me off my feet!

"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” - Zephaniah 3:17


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