Reason #456

I do not do scary movies. I have one of the most wild imaginations, so I need no help scaring myself. I got into this cop show with my dad last year. Every Tuesday night we would watch it together. Our father-daughter bonding time. Now, I am not promoting this show, as it's pretty rough. In fact, the beginning of each episode gives the "this show is intended for mature audiences" disclaimer. This has to be, in my opinion, one of the most intense shows on television. It's downright crazy and has it's scary moments, but this week's episode was, by far, the scariest episode I have ever seen.

I introduced Aaron to the show. He wasn't sold on the first episode, but after the second one, he was hooked. We recorded the show and decided to watch it tonight. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Seriously, for almost an hour I was in shock, horror, and disbelief. In fact, I couldn't even look at the TV for a good bit of it. I was literally on the edge of my seat and I couldn't wait for the episode to end so the terror would be over. I realize I was putting myself through this nightmare, but I've gotten to know the characters well, and I just had to see the outcome.

There's one officer on the show that I really like. He's the man! He's super brave and can get out of any situation. He's a good cop. But tonight I watched a vulnerable side of him. Yet, in all of his bravery, he made it out of the worst possible hostage situation one could ever be in. In the midst of intense fear, the unknown, looming death, and no hope for rescue, he kept a level head and he made it out alive. And although this was just a show and not real life, I was completely blown away by the incredible amount of bravery he had.

So now, after watching a portrayal of bravery in such a horrifying situation, I am sitting in bed afraid to turn my lamp off. That's right, just watching it scared me enough that I'm not sure I'll actually be able to go to sleep anytime soon. I'm a sissy, a scared-y cat, whatever you want to call me. I am not even sort of brave. Noises, shadows, even thoughts can put me over the edge. But I think about people who are brave. People who risk their lives all the time. Who walk straight into scary situations without turning around and running like the rest of us would do. People who look fear straight into the eye without blinking. They're out there! I'm not one of them, obviously. But there are those people who, even though they might be trembling and shaking on the inside, swallow their fear and move forward to do what must be done.

Aren't you so glad Jesus was one of those people? One of those brave ones? A man who walked straight into a terrifying situation knowing exactly what was coming His way. Because would that have been me, I would have turned around and ran. I would have begged and pleaded for mercy, bargained for a different outcome. I would have hid, I would have tried to escape, anything to get out of it. But He didn't do that. And I know He was scared, who wouldn't have been? I know He shook and He trembled, and I bet His heart almost beat out His chest, too. The intensity of the situation, the pain He was going to endure, death knocking at the door, but He swallowed that fear and He moved foward to do what must be done. He died so that could live. He faced fear so that we didn't have to live in fear. And I'm just so thankful that He was and is brave. That He isn't scared to do anything for us. That He doesn't turn and run when things get scary, that He doesn't hide and leave us on our own. No, He's with us in every situation and He's there to protect us no matter the cost.

#456 - Because He is brave!

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” - Psalm 91:14-16


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