Reason #468

Some things in life you only plan on doing once. I never imagined I would have two bachelorette parties. And I'll be honest, I kind of put up a fight at first. For one, I just didn't feel worthy of having a second party. In all truthfulness, somethings aren't as easy. And I can't explain it. It's kind of one of those things you just don't get unless you've been there. Fortunately, for all of my married girlfriends, they've only had one bachelorette party. For my unmarried girlfriends, I pray that they only have one, too. As Aaron and I moved along in our engagement, people started asking to do things for us. I hate feeling like a burden or an obligation, so I was quick to bat down the idea as that's exactly how I saw myself. In one of my tear-filled conversations with Aaron, he told me that if people wanted to do things for me I needed to let them. I didn't need to steal their joy or push away their love. He was right, and I'm glad I listened to his advice.

Not long after Aaron proposed, I asked Lauren (the cousin I talk about all the time) to be my maid of honor. I know she didn't ever imagine she'd be taking on that role again, but she gladly accepted. Talk of a bachelorette party began, and I wasn't really sold on the idea. I had to think long and hard about it and Aaron's words kept coming back to my mind. We finally picked a date and started making plans. Tonight, we had a bachelorette party and it was a success! I ate dinner with a group of my most favorite girls in the world who showered me with some super cute things! More than anything, my heart was just over joyed at the fact that they were doing this for me. That they wanted to be there celebrating with me. I can't even tell you how much I love these girls and have been blessed by them. As I looked around the table, I realized that I wouldn't even know these girls had my life not taken an unexpected turn 2 years ago.

Last April, things were just starting to look up a bit. I was still a little confused and not really sure what God was up to, but I was healing. I was starting to look and act more like the old-Brittnye. I was smiling and laughing again, and I wasn't crying as often. I was living back in my own home, putting the lost weight back on at record speed, and purchasing a lot of cute high heels. I didn't know that a few weeks out I was going to start making some of the best girlfriends to date. I didn't know that a few months out I was going to be meeting the most wonderful man who would steal my heart in no time at all and love me like I've never been loved before. Yet slowly and surely the pieces started coming together. I started to meet these girls one by one. I started to hang out with them, see them on a weekly basis, learn about their lives, grow together, laugh together, build memories together. And now, I can't imagine life without them. The thought of not even knowing them seriously hurts my heart. And tonight, I was overwhelmed by the realization that had my life not come to such an abrupt end (or at least what seemed like it at the time), I wouldn't be experiencing the joy I am now.

I wrote a thank you note today to my old pastor and his wife. I told them, "I really didn't think this was in the cards for me. I would have never imagined this was what God was going to do - it's so much better!!!" And that's a fact, my friends. Because for all that time I spent wondering why the Lord would let my heart break, why He would allow my world to be torn apart, and why He would allow such hurt and pain and sorrow, I now understand. I just didn't know what was ahead of me. I had no clue that what He had in store for me was better than anything I could have dreamed up on my own. And because He allowed those things to happen, He then allowed my life to be filled with joy, blessings, love, redemption, grace, and beauty. Not a bad trade off, if you ask me. In fact, I wouldn't trade it for anything so don't bother asking!

And so tonight was a beautiful night. A reminder of God's goodness and love was displayed through my sweet girlfriends who came to celebrate God's miracles with me. I can hardly wait for the next 15 days to pass. And I just praise the Lord that this is the last time I'll ever have a bachelorette party!

#468 - For more opportunities to celebrate God's goodness and miracles!

"Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles. His faithful love endures forever." - Psalm 136:4


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