Reason #659

Today is our sixth monthiversary! Half way through our first year of marriage, and I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone? It seems like we were just talking about getting married and it's here and gone a whole half a year ago.

I've blogged a whole lot about Aaron, and I think I've pretty much stated everything I love about him up until this point. But today, I found a new one. Well, it's not really new, but it's something I am so thankful for, and it's something that I haven't really given much though thus far.

I grew up hearing youth pastors and Sunday school teachers talk about the importance of dating a Christian. I read so many books and articles about how crucial it was to date and marry a man that pursued God and encouraged you in your walk. But truth be told, I really didn't know what that looked like. I wanted to make sure I dated a "good guy" who went to church and had a clean record. Of course, I definitely made sure that he called himself a Christian if I was going to give him any consideration. But being a very independent girl, myself, I never depended on a guy to determine what my walk with the Lord looked like. I didn't need someone to guide me or instruct me on my relationship with God. After all, that kind of takes away from the whole "personal" side of it. And so, like many girls, I believed that if he went to church consistently and didn't do really bad things, he was marriage material. And, because I was the one determining what my relationship with God looked like, I figured he'd either join me in my efforts or not. If not, it was his loss. I wasn't changing who I was and what I believed for someone else.

I wish someone would have clarified this for me early on. I wish someone would have given me a really clear example of what this looked like rather than throwing out a bunch of generic terminology. But I didn't have that, so I did the best I could with the knowledge I had gained. And if I could go back and talk to 13-year-old Brittnye, I would say, "Brittnye, would he go to church if you didn't? If you refused to go on a Sunday, would he stay home with you or would he go without you? Would he gladly serve alongside you? Would he find a place to plug in and be used if you didn't? Would he take your future children to church, teach them scripture, pray with them, and tell them about Jesus if you weren't around to? Will he encourage you to grow in your faith and grow with you, or will he be fine with a stagnant faith that produces no fruit? Wait on that man that will pursue God with you and will pursue God regardless of whether or not you do. Because if he always chooses the Lord before He chooses you, that's how you know you've found the right one."

My heart breaks for the many women who have fallen into the trap of thinking they can make "his" relationship with the Lord flourish and grow. For the women who are having to be the spiritual leader of their families and of their marriages. For the wives and mothers who are trying their best to grow but are finding how difficult it can be to grow alone. And, today, I praised the Lord that I have a husband who will pursue God regardless of what I do or don't do. For a man who not only desires to step up and lead but who actually does it. Who will sing praise songs in the car with me. Who will stand next to me on Sunday mornings and pour out his heart in worship with me. Who will pray with me and for me, who will share with me what God is teaching him, and who is excited to talk about scripture and sermons and service. A man who isn't okay with just showing up, sitting back, and comfortably sporting a title but rather desires to further the kingdom and glorify God with his life. I am thankful for a husband who shares in my convictions and supports my heart's desires. Who will sit and excitedly talk with me for hours about what new things God is laying on His heart. For a husband who is eager to serve with me and faithfully does so. Who encourages me in my walk and reminds me that it's not about being perfect, it's about living for God.

Thank you, Aaron, for loving God more than you love me. For choosing Him first every time. Thank you for growing with me, for challenging me, for encouraging me, supporting me, and joining me on this crazy adventure. Six months in and I can confidently say we're better off than where we started, which was hard to beat if I must say so myself. No one has ever done this for me, and I can never thank you enough for being that one who finally did. Thank you for helping me grow in my walk, not because you had to but because you wanted to. Thank you for living out your faith with me, rather it be quiet, simple ways, or hard, challenging ways. Thank you for not being scared to do what God has called you to do but rather seeking more than just what's required and asking that He take us deeper. I really do admire you, and I couldn't be more grateful to walk down this path of the unknown with you. Who knows where He will lead us, or what He will call us to do. I'm just really thankful that whatever it is, I'll get to do it with you.

#659 - For 6 months with a husband who loves and chooses the Lord.

"Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. 30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength." - Mark 12:29-30

(this was what we had to say 6 months ago...)


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