Reason #665
Obviously blogging while on vacation is more of a challenge than expected. There is a one hour time difference between Texas and Florida, and my body is not adjusting very well. I'll be ready to get back on central time tomorrow. Anyway, we've had a lovely vacation, and I'm a little sad it's coming to an end. The good thing is, we get to see Scout tomorrow. There is no place like home, but vacations are the next best thing.
Yesterday, I got to enjoy my alone day. It was really nice. I sat outside and made a small dent in my bible reading. I am half way through Deuteronomy, and it's proving to be an incredible book. I was highlight and writing all over the pages, as the Lord was just giving me such good truths to think about. I have a soft spot in my heart for this era of the Israelites life, as you well know. This was the story that God used to really encourage and help me through the roughest time in my life. And so I've been reading about what all He did for them as they marched towards the Promised Land, and I stumbled across a really valuable reminder.
If you remember, God had led the Israelites right up to the Promised Land but they decided not to enter due to the fear of being defeated by the people who were currently living there. Two Israelites tried to convince them other wise, but the popular vote was to not go. And so basically, the whole nation was letting God know that they didn't trust Him. They didn't believe He was powerful enough to continue giving them victory. After all He had done for them, isn't that a crazy way to respond? But they said "no" when God said "go," thus sentencing themselves to die in the wilderness.
They changed their mind. We do the same thing too, don't we? They knew the Promised Land was meant for them. They knew this was what God had in store and where He was leading them. They repented for their rebellion and decided they'd suit up and head in to the land...on their own terms and their own timing.
They were defeated. But how could this be? God told them they'd be victorious over the Amorites who lived there. He had promised them victory, but they were chased away from the Promised Land back into the wilderness where they would remain for 40 years. What was supposed to be an easy win turned into a humiliating and devastating experience.
Notice the timing here. God led them to the land when He was ready for them to take it over. He was going with them, therefore, they would be victorious. God was going to fight for them and basically hand over the Amorites. This really would have been an easy win. But fear and doubt stood in the way. This wasn't what they wanted. They didn't want to have to fight, and especially when human logic said they wouldn't win. And so they refused to go when God was willing and ready to go with them. And after spending some more time in the wilderness, they changed their minds and decided to take matter into their own hands.
When we go without God, we'll never be victorious. It's that simple. When we venture in to any territory without Him, we won't win. I have made this same mistake over and over and over again. Because I knew God had certain things in store for me, but I wanted to do it my way and on my own timeline. And when God led me to a tough and scary spot, I backed out. I let fear drive my decision and keep me in the wilderness. Eventually, I'd think, "God, I know you have ___________ in store for me. Therefore, I am going to go ahead and do this because you have to bless it. You'll make this work out because this is a good thing." Defeat was the only thing I got. Humiliation, embarrassment, devastation, and I was back in the wilderness. Not because God isn't good and faithful and capable, He is all of those things, but because I went without Him. I decided to go when I was ready rather than when He was, and God is not going to bless our disobedient efforts no matter how well intended they are.
When God leads you to it, you need to follow Him. Trust Him that He is big enough to overcome whatever obstacles stand before you. God is bigger than our biggest fears, and He is never going to lead us into a situation where we won't emerge victorious. And so we have a choice. We can obey Him and trust His word, or we can keep ourselves wandering in the wilderness even longer. We can choose to stretch our faith and witness God do mighty things with us, or we can miss out on an incredible blessing. We can step out on faith and change our lives for the better, or we can remain stagnant and never grow. Maybe instead of asking God to bless us with everything we ask for, we need to ask God to guide us so that we can experience the blessings He has in store for us. Because when we obediently follow God, stay on His timeline, and take Him at His word, we can be sure that we will get to experience victory, abundance, freedom, joy, and blessings in a way we would have never imagined had we done it on our own.
#665 - Because when we go with God, we'll always be victorious!
"But the Lord told me, "Do not be afraid of him, for I have given you victory..." - Deuteronomy 3:2
Yesterday, I got to enjoy my alone day. It was really nice. I sat outside and made a small dent in my bible reading. I am half way through Deuteronomy, and it's proving to be an incredible book. I was highlight and writing all over the pages, as the Lord was just giving me such good truths to think about. I have a soft spot in my heart for this era of the Israelites life, as you well know. This was the story that God used to really encourage and help me through the roughest time in my life. And so I've been reading about what all He did for them as they marched towards the Promised Land, and I stumbled across a really valuable reminder.
If you remember, God had led the Israelites right up to the Promised Land but they decided not to enter due to the fear of being defeated by the people who were currently living there. Two Israelites tried to convince them other wise, but the popular vote was to not go. And so basically, the whole nation was letting God know that they didn't trust Him. They didn't believe He was powerful enough to continue giving them victory. After all He had done for them, isn't that a crazy way to respond? But they said "no" when God said "go," thus sentencing themselves to die in the wilderness.
They changed their mind. We do the same thing too, don't we? They knew the Promised Land was meant for them. They knew this was what God had in store and where He was leading them. They repented for their rebellion and decided they'd suit up and head in to the land...on their own terms and their own timing.
They were defeated. But how could this be? God told them they'd be victorious over the Amorites who lived there. He had promised them victory, but they were chased away from the Promised Land back into the wilderness where they would remain for 40 years. What was supposed to be an easy win turned into a humiliating and devastating experience.
Notice the timing here. God led them to the land when He was ready for them to take it over. He was going with them, therefore, they would be victorious. God was going to fight for them and basically hand over the Amorites. This really would have been an easy win. But fear and doubt stood in the way. This wasn't what they wanted. They didn't want to have to fight, and especially when human logic said they wouldn't win. And so they refused to go when God was willing and ready to go with them. And after spending some more time in the wilderness, they changed their minds and decided to take matter into their own hands.
When we go without God, we'll never be victorious. It's that simple. When we venture in to any territory without Him, we won't win. I have made this same mistake over and over and over again. Because I knew God had certain things in store for me, but I wanted to do it my way and on my own timeline. And when God led me to a tough and scary spot, I backed out. I let fear drive my decision and keep me in the wilderness. Eventually, I'd think, "God, I know you have ___________ in store for me. Therefore, I am going to go ahead and do this because you have to bless it. You'll make this work out because this is a good thing." Defeat was the only thing I got. Humiliation, embarrassment, devastation, and I was back in the wilderness. Not because God isn't good and faithful and capable, He is all of those things, but because I went without Him. I decided to go when I was ready rather than when He was, and God is not going to bless our disobedient efforts no matter how well intended they are.
When God leads you to it, you need to follow Him. Trust Him that He is big enough to overcome whatever obstacles stand before you. God is bigger than our biggest fears, and He is never going to lead us into a situation where we won't emerge victorious. And so we have a choice. We can obey Him and trust His word, or we can keep ourselves wandering in the wilderness even longer. We can choose to stretch our faith and witness God do mighty things with us, or we can miss out on an incredible blessing. We can step out on faith and change our lives for the better, or we can remain stagnant and never grow. Maybe instead of asking God to bless us with everything we ask for, we need to ask God to guide us so that we can experience the blessings He has in store for us. Because when we obediently follow God, stay on His timeline, and take Him at His word, we can be sure that we will get to experience victory, abundance, freedom, joy, and blessings in a way we would have never imagined had we done it on our own.
#665 - Because when we go with God, we'll always be victorious!
"But the Lord told me, "Do not be afraid of him, for I have given you victory..." - Deuteronomy 3:2
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