Reason #748
I don't really like Valentine's Day. It's true. Out of all of the retail inspired holidays, it's my least favorite. Now, I am a fan of the color scheme but that's about it. The truth is, it's kind of forced. Plus, I'm a practical girl, so I've never understood the whole draw for Valentine's Day. I mean didn't we just have Christmas?
Last year was the first time for Aaron and I to experience Valentine's Day. I told him that I didn't want anything, and I fully meant that. Of course, I think he had a hard time believing that. I think he was trying to determine if I was doing the whole "don't get me anything and by that I mean you better get me something" trick, but I was serious. I didn't want a thing. Because to me, Valentine's Day is a "have to." The retail and marketing world has guilted us into buying overly priced items that somehow prove our love for one another. The more candy, the bigger the stuffed teddy bear, the larger the bouquet of flowers, the more we must be in love. But does it really mean all that much to you when love is acted out in such ways due to pressure and obligation? Do we really feel that special when the whole nation is receiving flowers and candy on the same day for the exact same reason? And, honestly, if you're like most of America, you find yourself running down the aisle of the grocery store on your Valentine's Day lunch break in hopes that you can find at least one unopened heart-shaped box of chocolates.
To each his own, I suppose. I'll never be mad if I receive anything for Valentine's Day because a gift is a gift no matter when it is given. But if you ask me, I'd rather receive flowers on an unsuspected Monday morning just because I am loved. I'd rather get a box of chocolates out of the blue to share during a movie on a weekend evening. I'd rather have a heartfelt love note written to me on a piece of notebook paper than a Hallmark card with someone else's words. I suppose it's the little things, the intentional acts of love and kindness that speak louder to me. It's the small, unexpected gestures tailored just for me that make me feel special and loved.
Sometimes I think we get stuck expecting only big gifts from God. You know, miracles, signs, and wonders. We see marriage and babies, new jobs and new opportunities as God's gifts and we forget that God isn't limited to just giving us big outrageous gifts. In fact, we tend to over look the daily gifts because we don't see them as grand as the others. Yet each breath we breathe is a gift from God. Every single sunrise and every single sunset is a gift from God. Not because He has to. He isn't obligated to give us anything, but He gives to us because He loves us. And what's amazing is that He tailors our gifts. We may not all receive the same gift, or we may simply receive it at a different time, but God gives us these gifts at the right time. Little intentional, and sometimes completely unexpected, gestures to remind us how treasured we are. Heartfelt actions because we are His. Not last minute thoughts, not the left over things no one else wants. No, He gives us perfectly pleasing gifts every time.
And so I am thankful to serve a God who is a generous gift giver. A God whose gifts come in all shapes and sizes on a daily basis. Because it really is the thought that counts, and I am so grateful for His intentionality behind each gift that He gives.
#748 - Because He is an intentional gift giver!
"Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God." - Ecclesiastes 5:19
Last year was the first time for Aaron and I to experience Valentine's Day. I told him that I didn't want anything, and I fully meant that. Of course, I think he had a hard time believing that. I think he was trying to determine if I was doing the whole "don't get me anything and by that I mean you better get me something" trick, but I was serious. I didn't want a thing. Because to me, Valentine's Day is a "have to." The retail and marketing world has guilted us into buying overly priced items that somehow prove our love for one another. The more candy, the bigger the stuffed teddy bear, the larger the bouquet of flowers, the more we must be in love. But does it really mean all that much to you when love is acted out in such ways due to pressure and obligation? Do we really feel that special when the whole nation is receiving flowers and candy on the same day for the exact same reason? And, honestly, if you're like most of America, you find yourself running down the aisle of the grocery store on your Valentine's Day lunch break in hopes that you can find at least one unopened heart-shaped box of chocolates.
To each his own, I suppose. I'll never be mad if I receive anything for Valentine's Day because a gift is a gift no matter when it is given. But if you ask me, I'd rather receive flowers on an unsuspected Monday morning just because I am loved. I'd rather get a box of chocolates out of the blue to share during a movie on a weekend evening. I'd rather have a heartfelt love note written to me on a piece of notebook paper than a Hallmark card with someone else's words. I suppose it's the little things, the intentional acts of love and kindness that speak louder to me. It's the small, unexpected gestures tailored just for me that make me feel special and loved.
Sometimes I think we get stuck expecting only big gifts from God. You know, miracles, signs, and wonders. We see marriage and babies, new jobs and new opportunities as God's gifts and we forget that God isn't limited to just giving us big outrageous gifts. In fact, we tend to over look the daily gifts because we don't see them as grand as the others. Yet each breath we breathe is a gift from God. Every single sunrise and every single sunset is a gift from God. Not because He has to. He isn't obligated to give us anything, but He gives to us because He loves us. And what's amazing is that He tailors our gifts. We may not all receive the same gift, or we may simply receive it at a different time, but God gives us these gifts at the right time. Little intentional, and sometimes completely unexpected, gestures to remind us how treasured we are. Heartfelt actions because we are His. Not last minute thoughts, not the left over things no one else wants. No, He gives us perfectly pleasing gifts every time.
And so I am thankful to serve a God who is a generous gift giver. A God whose gifts come in all shapes and sizes on a daily basis. Because it really is the thought that counts, and I am so grateful for His intentionality behind each gift that He gives.
#748 - Because He is an intentional gift giver!
"Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God." - Ecclesiastes 5:19
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