Reason #755

I remember the first time I taught Sunday school by myself. It was October 2, 2011. My heart had been yearning for a long time to teach a Sunday school class. I’ve learned that the more involved you are in your church home, the more you get out of it. Of course, it’s perfectly find to go on Sundays and participate. After all, if everyone wanted to teach a class, that wouldn’t work out very well. Anyway, I had been praying for an opportunity to do more. I was really involved in the college ministry, and it had been a few years since college. Something was missing, and I was more than ready to step up and be challenged.
That summer, my college minister made a comment about stepping into a leadership role. My heart was so overjoyed at the suggestion, and I was really grateful that he saw that in me. The fact that he approached me and said, “be thinking about how you can serve,” was the answer to my prayers. He had been a great mentor to me in college and had done a wonderful job of getting me plugged in and giving me opportunities to see how leadership worked. Anyway, I figured it was best to start out slow because I wasn’t the only person involved in this new mission. I was involved in an incredible Sunday school class, probably one of the best classes I’ve ever been a part of, and so I thought it would be the best idea to stay there and help out. They were so kind to accept the help, and I was really excited to see where this was going to go.
A few weeks before that Sunday rolled around, the Sunday school teacher announced that he was going to be out of town. He opened up the floor for volunteers to teach, and you all know I can’t help but volunteer for anything. And so this was going to be the first time I was actually going to have the chance to teach a class. Go figure the Lord would ask me to do one of the things my heart desperately desired the day after He would allow me to face the biggest heart break of my life.  
I slept for maybe 3 hours that night. Maybe. I had been crying for the hours I wasn’t asleep, and when I finally calmed down, I realized that I had a lesson to study. Honestly, I guess I didn’t have to, but I said that I would do it and I was going to keep my word. I didn’t know if 20 people would show up or if it would just be 2. Either way, I was going to be there ready to lead the lesson. If there was one place I needed to be, it was in the Lord’s house. And so I wiped my eyes, cracked open my bible, and I prepared the lesson. I don’t remember what it was about. I didn’t study for long because I didn’t have a whole lot of energy or desire to do it. I suppose it worked out well that I had to teach the next day. Honestly, had that lesson not been divinely planned by God, with His perfect timing, I highly doubt I would have spent any time seeking His presence that night. But God knew that’s exactly where I needed to be, and He made sure to get me there.
The next morning was really tough. Looking like a train wreck, I stood in the back of the church. I tried to sing, but all I could do was cry. I exited as soon as the music was over, and I went upstairs to look over my lesson and pray. The class came up after church, and there were maybe 10 of us total. I was amazed that I could somehow come up with a lesson or even fill the 45 minute gap that I had to teach. The Lord was so gracious to fill my mind with words and scripture that morning, and my heart was at peace the entire time I taught. Looking back, I can’t believe I was even able to get out of bed that morning, much less form a complete thought. That’s the power of God, though. His strength is absolutely perfect, and most seen, in our weakness.
A few weeks later, I sat in that same classroom with a heart that had been shattered to pieces. I cried as I told them that my marriage had fallen apart. I wept uncontrollably in front of all of my married friends as I told them I didn’t understand. I begged for their prayers, and they poured our their love. My heart ached as I realized that I was no longer going to be a part of this class. This was where I felt like I belonged, and I didn’t want to be anywhere else. Little did I know, this was just one of the many ways God was preparing me for the most incredible and mind blowing journey I have ever been on.
In less than a year, paths were crossed and I found myself teaching a bible study. I know, crazy. And this little bible study turned into Sunday school class, and I couldn’t believe this was really happening. Because, in my opinion, Sunday school teachers are the cream of the crop. These are the people who have it together, who know their stuff, and who live above reproach. And then there’s me. I didn’t feel like I fit into that category, but thankfully God’s not into labels.
One time I heard Beth Moore say that the hardest thing she ever did was give up leading her Sunday school class. I can see that. Because leading a Sunday school class has been one of the most joyful and rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. Looking back now, I see how God was working and moving in my life to prepare me for this role. I see how He was meeting my heart’s desires the entire time. Because it was as if, on October 2, 2011, God was giving me the tiniest glimpse into what He had in store for my future. It was like He was telling me, “Beloved, this is just the start. Me and you. And if you’ll just walk with me and trust me, if you’ll let me work through your weakness, you’ll see my strength in a mighty way. You’ll be amazed at what we can accomplish together.”
Every week, we meet with our friends to study God’s word and fellowship together. I’m not the greatest of teachers, by any means. I am no theologian, I just talk about scripture and the things God lays on my heart. And every week, I thank the Lord for these people. For a place to grow and be challenged and encouraged. And, more than anything, I thank the Lord that He would trust me with such a task as this. But the moral of the story is that when we’re willing, we find that God is always able.
#755 - For the first time and every time since then.
"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8


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