Reason #859
Sometimes I feel like I'm never going to get there. There can be a whole lot of places. It's not just this one particular spot. Depending on the day, the situation, or the season, it feels so far away. Sometimes I don't think I'll actually make it. And, unfortunately, this is not a new thing for me.
My birthday is in August, which meant that I was one of the youngest people in my class. I started kindergarten a few weeks after I turned 5. I wasn't small or immature, and I was right on track. Standing next to my classmates, I fit in just fine. But there were little differences here and there. Little things that showed I was younger, and having teeth that were less mature than my classmates was one of those things. The inability to easily lose a tooth or two during my kindergarten year really bothered me to no end, and as I impatiently waited for one of my pearly whites to fall, I thought it would never happen.
All of the kids were losing their teeth it seemed. If you were lucky and lost it at school, you got a little treasure box to put your tooth in so you could take it home to put it under your pillow for some cash from the tooth fairy. Oh, how I desired one of those little treasure boxes with all of my kindergarten heart. Some kids in my class were lucky enough to lose multiple teeth and get more than one box. And so all I wanted that year was my tooth to fall out at school. I envied my classmates for having teeth that were dangling by the root. For their ability to lose their teeth right and left. And I hoped with all my might that somehow I'd manage to pull a tooth before the end of the year. My kindergarten experience would be complete if I could have one of those little treasure boxes to take home. And finally, after much hoping, I lost my first tooth. The only problem was that my dad pulled it out at home, and I never got a treasure box. But after that my teeth easily fell one by one, and the tooth fairy never missed a visit despite not having a tooth-storing treasure box under my pillow.
My sophomore year in high school was torturous. I was just starting driver's ed while most of my friends were getting their licenses. I wouldn't be able to drive at all that year or even the summer after. I thought it was never going to happen. I was pretty sure I was going to die in some sort of tragic accident before I ever got to legally drive on my own. It seemed so far away. Of course, when you're wishing things to happen, it seems they take their precious time occurring. But finally, my birthday rolled around. Of course, it wasn't really a big deal since most of my friends had been driving for months on end by this point. But I made it, I got my license and a car, and I've been driving ever since.
I caught myself having one of these moments today. I found myself thinking, "It's never going to happen. I am never going to get there." But I talked to my mom about this not long ago and she reminded me that I would. I would get there. There have been a lot of things in life I never thought would happen or come about, and yet each one has. In its own timing, things have come to fruition. And so she reminded me of God's faithfulness that I have witnessed time and time again. She reminded me of how He takes care of all things, even when they seem so far away, so distant and almost unreachable, and she said, "He will take care of this, too. He will fulfill His promises to you, like He always has. So don't worry about it. It will come."
Thank you, Jesus, for always getting me there. For somehow, someway, getting me to these major milestones in life. Even when they seem impossible, even when they seem out of reach, thank you for helping me move closer to them one day at a time. Thank you for fulfilling your promises. Thank you for meeting my heart's desires. It doesn't always come in the form I imagine, but it's always better than I could ever expect. Thank you for bringing things about like lost teeth and driver's licenses. Thank you for the promise of what is to come. And give me patience while I wait it out. Remind me that one day, it will be my reality and until then, to enjoy the place I'll never be able to return to once I reach another milestone. You are good. You always have been. Thank you for taking care of everything.
#859 - Because He always brings things about.
“O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands." - Daniel 9:4
My birthday is in August, which meant that I was one of the youngest people in my class. I started kindergarten a few weeks after I turned 5. I wasn't small or immature, and I was right on track. Standing next to my classmates, I fit in just fine. But there were little differences here and there. Little things that showed I was younger, and having teeth that were less mature than my classmates was one of those things. The inability to easily lose a tooth or two during my kindergarten year really bothered me to no end, and as I impatiently waited for one of my pearly whites to fall, I thought it would never happen.
All of the kids were losing their teeth it seemed. If you were lucky and lost it at school, you got a little treasure box to put your tooth in so you could take it home to put it under your pillow for some cash from the tooth fairy. Oh, how I desired one of those little treasure boxes with all of my kindergarten heart. Some kids in my class were lucky enough to lose multiple teeth and get more than one box. And so all I wanted that year was my tooth to fall out at school. I envied my classmates for having teeth that were dangling by the root. For their ability to lose their teeth right and left. And I hoped with all my might that somehow I'd manage to pull a tooth before the end of the year. My kindergarten experience would be complete if I could have one of those little treasure boxes to take home. And finally, after much hoping, I lost my first tooth. The only problem was that my dad pulled it out at home, and I never got a treasure box. But after that my teeth easily fell one by one, and the tooth fairy never missed a visit despite not having a tooth-storing treasure box under my pillow.
My sophomore year in high school was torturous. I was just starting driver's ed while most of my friends were getting their licenses. I wouldn't be able to drive at all that year or even the summer after. I thought it was never going to happen. I was pretty sure I was going to die in some sort of tragic accident before I ever got to legally drive on my own. It seemed so far away. Of course, when you're wishing things to happen, it seems they take their precious time occurring. But finally, my birthday rolled around. Of course, it wasn't really a big deal since most of my friends had been driving for months on end by this point. But I made it, I got my license and a car, and I've been driving ever since.
I caught myself having one of these moments today. I found myself thinking, "It's never going to happen. I am never going to get there." But I talked to my mom about this not long ago and she reminded me that I would. I would get there. There have been a lot of things in life I never thought would happen or come about, and yet each one has. In its own timing, things have come to fruition. And so she reminded me of God's faithfulness that I have witnessed time and time again. She reminded me of how He takes care of all things, even when they seem so far away, so distant and almost unreachable, and she said, "He will take care of this, too. He will fulfill His promises to you, like He always has. So don't worry about it. It will come."
Thank you, Jesus, for always getting me there. For somehow, someway, getting me to these major milestones in life. Even when they seem impossible, even when they seem out of reach, thank you for helping me move closer to them one day at a time. Thank you for fulfilling your promises. Thank you for meeting my heart's desires. It doesn't always come in the form I imagine, but it's always better than I could ever expect. Thank you for bringing things about like lost teeth and driver's licenses. Thank you for the promise of what is to come. And give me patience while I wait it out. Remind me that one day, it will be my reality and until then, to enjoy the place I'll never be able to return to once I reach another milestone. You are good. You always have been. Thank you for taking care of everything.
#859 - Because He always brings things about.
“O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands." - Daniel 9:4
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