Reason #886

The grass is always greener on the other side. It appears to be. That's what we talked about in church this morning. Green grass. Notice that the saying says "greener" which means that your grass is still green. It never indicates that you have no grass or that your grass is dead. It's just that their grass looks greener compared to yours. But from their perspective, yours look greener. So you both have green grass. But here's the thing, it's not a matter of having grass, it's really a matter of what it looks like. And, did you ever think that someone might actually look at your grass with the same envy you look at theirs?

It's tempting not to fall into this way of thinking. It's hard to avoid comparisons. It's so easy to see the good in other people's lives and compare it with your bad. And sure, who's to say that their grass might not actually be greener than yours. But do you care for your grass like they do? Do you go out daily to rid it of weeds? Do you spend time fertilizing it so that your grass will grow strong and thick? Do you make sure to water it enough so that it's nourished? Because having a nice yard is really hard work. Green grass doesn't grow without time and attention. And maybe, just maybe, if you're feeling tempted to wander over there, if you're desiring to let the greener blades tickle the bottom of your toes, you should really reconsider what it is your doing to own grass.

If grass is not cared for it will either die or grow haywire. And when you wander over to someone else's grass and then decide to try and head back to yours, you've really got your work cut out for you. A little neglect goes a long way with your yard. And, when you return to a neglected yard, it's hard to stay there. It takes some serious dedication and determination to get it looking good again. It's easier to think you should just start over. It's easier to want to go back to that supposedly greener pasture. But the truth is, all grass is the same, and in the end, you look back to realize that your grass actually was the greener one.

So stay in your grass. Put forth the work it takes to make it look nice. Yard work is absolutely no fun, I know, but it's necessary. You might look at your grass and feel overwhelmed. You might feel discouraged, too. But don't give up. Don't move on. Stay where you are, and make it beautiful. Make it worth being there. Make it a place you want to reside, not a place you're desperate to leave. There will always appear to be greener grass, and believe it or not, your grass will appear to be greener at times. But don't be the one to walk away from what God has given you. Don't be the one who has to  look back and realize how green things really were. Care for the grass you've been given because it may not always be there.

Your grass will change through the seasons. Sometimes it will be beautiful, and you'll be completely pleased. Sometimes, it'll be a huge work it progress. Sometimes it may hardly have any color, and those seasons are hard. But reside where God has you. As our pastor reminded us today, flourish where you are. Life is so much easier when you care for what you have versus starting from scratch. And thank the Lord for the grass. Green grass, tall grass, dry grass, or soft grass. If you'll let Him help you maintain it, you'll look back and love the result. Sure, it'll be a labor of love, but it'll be beautiful.

#886 - For grass, both when it's beautiful and even when it's not.

"Yes, each of you should remain as you were when God called you." - 1 Corinthians 7:20


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