He doesn't have to respond... He chooses to...
"I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer."
- Psalm 17:6
I wrote the Keebler Elves when I was in elementary school. Honestly, I don't remember why, but I remember that I received a letter back from the Elves with coupons for free cookies. I couldn't believe that I got a response much less a package of cookies for free! What a deal! An unexpected deal. I was surprised that the Elves would take the time to respond to me. I highly doubt I had written them a letter with any significant information, and I'm sure the company had more pressing things to do than send a letter back to a little girl. But you would have never known it by the response I got from them. Isn't it always nice to receive a response? To know that you were heard?
Fan mail used to be a thing of the past. I don't think people participate in fan mail anymore. We don't have to. We can stalk celebrities online. There's no need to write them a letter when you can comment on their pictures. I'm always amazed how many people leave comments, as if celebrities have time (or the desire) to read through a few thousand comments and respond. But just imagine that you were one of thousands leaving a comment. How would you feel if that person singled you out and responded to you? How would it make you feel if they answered your question or just took the time to notice you? People jump through hoops these days to be noticed and get a response because, deep down, we all want to know we've been heard.
My eyes popped open at 1:00AM. A bad dream collided with Scout's potty schedule. I laid there a minute just trying to figure out what was going on. I was glad I was awake because I needed my dream to end. "You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you." (Isaiah 26:3) It was the exact response I needed. It's the answer I was looking for. In Psalm 16, David said, "I will praise the Lord who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me." And I realized I was being heard. Even in darkness, in the quiet, He could hear. He knew. And He responded. In the stillness of night, without a word being spoken, He noticed. And He responded.
And I just wonder what we think about that. That the God of the universe not only hears us, but He chooses to respond to us. To hide His word within our hearts. To cover our anxiety with peace. To meet our need with perfect provision. To heal our hurts. To reveal absolute truth the very moment we need to hear it.
Thank you, Lord, for not only hearing me but for responding to me. Whether I'm awake or asleep, thank you for never ceasing to speak to me, to lay your word upon my heart. Thank you for knowing exactly what I need to hear and for saying it exactly when I need to hear it. Thank you for noticing me not because I do anything to deserve it but because of your great love for me, because you chose me. Thank you, Lord, for your word that stands the test of time. For your truths that are reliable. For the comfort they give. For the hope that they bring. Thank you, Lord, that out of all of the things you could be doing, you take the time to listen, to notice, and to respond to me.
I'd love for you to link this beautiful post with me at http://tsuzanneeller.com/2015/03/05/need-each-other/. I think it's a perfect fit.