the naked truth...
There’s the truth, and then there’s the naked truth. The truth that is so revealing. The truth that you cannot deny. Because you can see it in its entirety. There is no concealing, no hiding it. Fully exposed for all to view.
Have you ever had a dream in which you were naked? It’s awkward and terrifying isn’t it? Even saying the word ‘naked’ is uncomfortable. But I’ve had those dreams where I’ve showed up to work only to realize I was not wearing my clothes, and it was horrible! Even though it was just a dream, I would wake up feeling embarrassed. There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than to be caught with your clothes off. And although, these days, it seems to be the popular thing to do, I can think of a few people who certainly didn’t want to get caught in their birthday suits, and they went down in history for it.
Adam and Eve took that bite and then suddenly realized that had no clothes on. I don’t know how long they’d been walking around in the buff, but neither one of them seemed bothered by it up until that point. They were shameless, and rightfully so. Plus, they were married, so let’s be real here. No one thinks a thing about running back and forth to the laundry room to fetch a shirt when you’re home alone with your spouse. They’re the one person you can be “shameless” around and not feel guilty. But Adam and Eve ate that apple and they were instantly filled with shame. And notice that they hid because they were naked. They didn’t hide because they had apple breath. They didn’t hide because some of it was stuck in their teeth. They were bare bottomed and embarrassed about it! They didn’t want anyone to see them in such a state. It wasn’t like it was God’s first time to see them, either. He created them. But this was the first time they felt any sort of shame because of their lack of clothing. And the Lord, fully understanding what was going on, showed them mercy by making them some clothes. He gave them something to cover up with, and they didn’t turn it down.
Nakedness and shame go hand in hand. We act like they don’t. We act like it’s perfectly normal. “It’s art,” some people say. “God made us that way,” others reply. “Stop being so prudent,” shouts the media. And we’ve embraced the human body in a way in which it was never intended. We’ve seen more than our eyes need to see. We’ve had more ingrained into our brains than should ever be. And the shame, well, it exists but it often comes in the aftermath.
Talk to the one who gave their body away, or to the one who broke their wedding vows. Talk to the one who can’t turn off the computer screen or go a day without watching a video. Or to the one who is fighting away the images and thoughts that seem to flood their mind. Talk to the one who was taken advantage of or the one whose family was torn apart. To the one who would take it all back if they could, the one who regrets every single time. Talk to the one who can’t seem to have a healthy relationship, to the one who can’t open their heart, to the one who pushes others away because they’ve lost all trust, or to the one who believes her worth lies in the body she’s created to be used by another.
The naked truth is that there is much shame when our bodies are used or seen in ways they were never intended to be. And as I read through the news today, I saw pictures. In the news. Pictures of women, beautiful women, revealing so much of themselves. And I wondered how many men looked at the picture and felt instant shame. Shame for thinking things about a woman who belongs to someone else. A woman who is someone else’s fiancée, daughter, sister, and friend. I wondered how many men felt shame for thinking of her in a way they should only reserve for their wives. But they probably didn’t expect to see such a picture in the news. Not even trying, and they were caught off guard.
And I wondered how many women felt ashamed. Ashamed that they wouldn’t look like the airbrushed beauty no matter how many sit ups they did or how many meals they skipped. I wondered how many women felt ashamed knowing that they could never compare to her and wondered if their husbands happened across the same news story. I wondered how many insecurities this one picture would create. How much sin it would bring forth. How much trouble it might cause in someone’s marriage or how far back it might set someone trying to break free. I wondered how big of a stumbling block this picture might be for someone or how detrimental this moment might be for a person who is starting to believe that there’s nothing wrong with showing it all or looking at it all. And I wondered if this picture bothered anyone else besides me.
The blood of Jesus covers shame. A sacrifice was made to clothe Adam and Eve, and a sacrifice was made for you. Jesus died so that you don’t have to live in shame. He died so that you don’t have to believe the lie. He gave up His life so that you could have yours to live for Him, not for this world. And while we’ve all felt shame, we don’t have to live in it. Beautiful sister, you were not made to be an object. You were made for love. Love and respect in a dignified, holy way. And you, future or current husband, you were made to be free. Not bound to a computer screen. Life is not in the videos and it’s not in the pin ups. You were made to be a man of integrity and honor. A warrior who wins the battle, not one who lives in defeat. You were called to a different life, children of God. Called to honor the Lord with your body, His temple. And when we live for Him, make choices and decisions that reflect Him, we don't have to live in shame. There is no guilt in choosing His way. No regret in following the Lord. And if we mess up, grace is extended. That's how He has done it from the start.
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." – Philippians 4:8
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