because life is more than a moment... more than a decision... it's a gift...

Today is the hub's birthday. The day he graced the world with his presence and made it a better place. The day that the Lord appointed for him to take his first breath after spending 9 months knitting him together in his mother's womb. And although we've only been able to celebrate 4 of his actual birthdays together, I absolutely can't imagine what my life would be like if he weren't here.

Aaron's parents got married when they were really young. In fact, by the time his mom was my age, she had two kids that were far into their elementary school years. When I think about it that way, I feel a little behind. However, if Scout was a human, she'd be in pre-K so... I digress. Anyway, when his mom found out she was expecting, she was told it was twins. That's right - double the fun!!! But not too far into her pregnancy, she ended up losing one of the babies. We never know why these things happen. It's heartbreaking to lose someone so precious before you ever get a chance to meet, but the good news was that baby A was hanging in there. Nine months later, he was born into this world as a difference maker with a intentionally crafted, divinely designed plan. A plan that included me.

And while it may seem like it's no big deal because everyone has a birthday, it is a big deal. A big deal that he was given the chance to have a birthday. A day of birth. A big deal that his mom made the decision to partner with God and bring him into this world. Because she didn't have to carry him around inside her stomach for 9 months as he kicked her, poked her, and stretched her skin to the limits. She didn't have to continue taking care of herself as she gave him a safe place in which to grow and develop. She didn't have to pray for him before she ever knew him, go through hours of painful labor just to get him here, and then spend the next 18 years teaching him how to be a respectable, honorable man. She didn't have to give of herself so that he could be. But she did. She chose life. She chose to accept the gift that God was giving her to be his mother. She chose to brave the journey that is parenthood. And through her decision, because of her decision, she blessed a girl who would one day grow up to marry that boy that was given the opportunity to take his first breath on October 27.

We never know how God is going to work things out. We jut follow Him one step at a time, and we trust that He will take care of us. We never know how He will use the decisions we make, good or bad, and we never know what He has in store. His plan is so much bigger than us. I know that might seem hard to believe since we live in a society that is so self focused, but it's true. And when we honor God and commit to Him, even if we are scared and uncertain and not so sure what's around the corner, He will use those situations to bless us and others. He honors faithfulness. And in a day and age where babies have no choice and mothers get to decide, I think it's really important that we celebrate life because it is a gift - not a mistake.

Life is more than a moment, more than decision, more than a repercussion. Life has a purpose, all life.. always. Whether it's a surprise, or planned, God knew all along. And because we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes, a little boy on October 27 was born to answer the prayers of a little girl that was born on August 6 because God is a good God with a great plan!


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