a Billy or a Mordecai...

You are 17 months old, Annabeth! What in the world?! I can't believe you're almost half way to your second birthday. I was looking back at your 5 month picture we took last March and you've changed so much. You're still happy as can be and cute as a button, but you've grown a lot. And I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again, each month with you just gets better and better!

It doesn't seem that a full month has passed since my last post to you, so I'm trying to remember what all you've accomplished over the last 4 weeks. You have some new teeth poking through. I think a visit to the dentist is in our near future seeing you've got a mouth full of chompers. That should be interesting considering how much you dislike having your teeth brushed. You've gotten over your separation anxiety, thank goodness, and look forward to going to church and bible study. In fact, on our way into the nursery last Sunday, you began bidding me farewell the moment we stepped into the building. I am so glad you're enjoying time with your friends!

Your vocabulary continues to grow, and this month you've mastered animal sounds. You can tell me what the dog, cat, cow, duck, and sheep say. You understand every word that we say, which never ceases to impress me. I quite like being able to communicate with you. People warn me that the moment you begin talking, you'll never stop. Honestly, I'm looking forward to that. I know you'll have lots of funny and interesting things to say.

Your love for babies has also grown over the past few weeks. You love holding baby dolls and little stuffed animals. This gives me hope that when we have another baby in the house, you'll feel the same way. God designed women to be nurturers, and seeing that little trait come alive in you is so sweet. You can cuddle a baby and then go out and dig in the dirt. I am certain you're going to be one well rounded girl. Fearless, brave, kind, and caring.

A few weeks ago a man named Billy Graham passed away. He was a great evangelist and preacher of the gospel. His ministry reached millions, probably more like billions, of people globally. In fact, there's really no telling how many people his ministry impacted because those who were saved at the revivals he hosted likely went on to raise Godly children and grandchildren, and so his ministry and service to the Lord did not end with his final breath. It will continue to ripple throughout generations to come as seeds he planted along the way will grow and be watered. I thought about what it must have been like when he walked into Heaven. We'll all know each other when we get there, but I bet there were a whole lot of people who thanked him for sharing Jesus with them. And as I read a little bit of history about Billy Graham and listened to testimonies of his children, I was struck by his personal story of salvation and how he came to know Jesus as his savior.

I assumed Billy Graham must have come to know the Lord because of his parents. I'm sure they had a significant role in his life of faith, but he came to accept Jesus as his savior at a revival held by a man named Mordecai Ham. Until reading this information, I had never heard of Mordecai Ham and I don't know anything else about him. There are so many amazing men and women whose names are renown because of the work they've done for God's kingdom, and yet there are so many more whose names will never be known on a global scale but are known by God. Names that won't grace the cover of newspapers or magazines but will be found in the Book of Life. And as I've spent a little time thinking through this, I wanted to share my thoughts with you.

You see, Annabeth, sometimes we believe that we have to a Billy Graham in order to make God proud. That we have to do big things, be well known, travel the world, and reach the masses to really make a difference for God. But we forget that what we see as a small act of service or obedience is not small in God's eyes. Rather, God takes those very things and uses them in eternal ways. Ways we may never see or even be aware of. Ways we may have never imagined. And the truth is, there is nothing you can do to make God more proud of you. You can't earn his love or his favor. God is pleased when we follow His will. He is pleased when we serve others, when we share truth, when we honor Him with our decisions, when we obey His commands, and when we show His love. It's not a numbers game. God created Billy for preaching and placed that call on his life. He gave him the talents and abilities to do it well, and Billy was faithful to obey and follow that call. That's what God wants from all of us - obedience and a willingness to follow His call. God created you just the way you are and has a plan and purpose for you. He's given you the talents and abilities to do it, and so your job is to answer and follow. Your call isn't to be Billy Graham. Your call is to be Annabeth Davis.

Because, Annabeth, you never know how planting one seed in the life of another will manifest itself. We have Billy to thank, but we also have Mordecai Ham to thank. And whoever led Modecai to Christ, well, we have them to thank. But really, we have God to thank. Because He's the one who moved on our behalf and called us to himself. He's the one who gave us the gospel, the good news - Jesus! And so we must answer the call. We must take the opportunities God sets before us rather than sitting back and waiting for a "big one." Because in God's eyes, there are no big and small opportunities. They are souls and each one matters. Rather we preach the gospel to millions or share it with one, in both cases, God is proud.


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