
Three weeks from today, and you'll be joining us on this side of life, baby sister. I can and can't believe we're that close. Everyone told me my second pregnancy would fly by but it hasn't. It has been long and slow and a little harder on me than the first. Somehow I managed to skip all of the usual pregnancy symptoms with Annabeth but I am feeling them with you. In fact, I have outgrown most of my shoes at this point and finally bought myself a pregnancy belt. I don't know if it will help much but I'm hoping it will because 3 more weeks of back and stomach pain are not going to be fun, especially since this is your time to pack on the pounds.

Your sister arrived 3 weeks early due to some complications, but you're scheduled to come on time unless you decide differently. One of my favorite experiences of carrying you is feeling your kicks and moves. It's a strange sensation! I love watching my belly dance and squirm, especially after a snack or when I sit down to relax. You measured in the 67th percentile at the last sonogram I had so I suppose it makes sense that I can feel you moving quite a bit. From the pictures we got, you look quite a bit like your sister. I can't wait to meet you in person and see your pretty face with my own eyes! I also can't wait to enjoy some of those fresh baby snuggles you'll be giving out. I think we'll all be competing for those around our house.

I was so nervous to give birth to your sister, and I am finding myself back in that same boat with you but for different reasons. Annabeth has and always will be my guinea pig child because she's the first born. I had never fed, burped, changed, or bathed a baby in my life. I know it's hard to believe I managed to make it 29 years without doing so, but to say I wasn't prepared was an understatement. The truth is, though, nothing can prepare you for parenthood like becoming a parent. No amount of babysitting or volunteering in the nursery can properly prepare you for the reality of taking home your first child. And so I'm glad that I was able to learn how to care for a baby with my own baby, and I actually feel adequately prepared to bring you home and care for you without a doubt in my mind.  Because you are your own little girl and I have a feeling you probably won't be a carbon copy of your sister. Rarely does it work that way. Just when I think I know something, I'm sure you'll throw me a curve ball and I'll feel like a first time mother all over again. I'm doing my best to have zero expectations about anything. I want to give you the opportunity and space to be you without assuming you'll be one way or another.

For many months now, since we learned you're a girl, your dad and I have tossed around names. We couldn't settle on anything and since nothing sounded like a good fit we kept pushing it to the back burner. I began having dreams that you were born and we were still without a name for you. We didn't even have a prospect list. I know we would have come up with something if that were the case, but I preferred to have a name chosen before your arrival. We sat down and began talking through names. Your dad would mention a name, I'd say no, I'd mention a name, he'd say no. We weren't making a lot of progress. I had been praying God would give me a name because He's known your name from the beginning of time. I joked that maybe I'd have an angel visitor, like Elizabeth or Mary, who would tell me your name. That would be quite the story, huh?! But we came across it. A name that had been mentioned before and now it sounded perfect. A name we both liked, both agreed upon, and once we said your full name it sounded right.

Madelyn. Madelyn Kate Davis.

You aren't named after anyone we know. Of course, you're not the only Madelyn in the world.  But this name is yours, and we hope you like it. I did a little research to see if your name had a meaning attached to it, and I loved what I came across.

Madelyn is the respelling of the traditional French name, Madeleine. (We decided not to go with the traditional French spelling so that people don't pronounce your name Mad-a-line. Plus, it's kind of confusing with the whole "i before e rule.") It's the French name for Mary Magdalene, one of Jesus' favored disciples... 

Mary Magdalene was likely from Magdala, which explains the second half of her name. (That's the part that ties your name to hers.) And if there is a woman who set an example for knowing, loving, and following Jesus, it was her. Mary's life had been transformed by Jesus and it showed in every way. She was loyal to him, and she found herself in his presence often. In fact, she was one of the few that stood at the foot of the cross and witnessed her Savior's crucifixion. But the thing I love the most about Mary is her unwavering faithfulness. Because after she watched her Savior's brutal death, witnessing his last breath with her own eyes, she found herself walking alone to his tomb on the resurrection day. She didn't know he wouldn't be there, so clearly her devotion and love for Jesus drew her to that tomb. Knowing that's where he should have been, she went. To her surprise, the tomb was empty. Really, to her dismay. And as she stood outside the tomb weeping for her Savior, he came to her. The first person to see the resurrected Christ in person was Mary Magdalene. Not because she was special or did anything to deserve such a privilege but because she was a faithful and loyal follower who desired to be near her Lord. And that's a desire He will always grant.

And so sweet Madelyn, that is my prayer and hope for you. That you will always desire to be near the Lord. That you would abide in His presence, always seeking His face, and loving Him and knowing Him as your Savior, too. That you would be loyal to seek Him in all circumstances, especially those that look dark and hopeless. Because He will be found by all who seek Him. That's a promise He has made to us, and it's one He will honor every time. You've got a whole life ahead of you. Pages in your book that have already been written by God before they will ever come to pass. And when you're in the thick of it, when you feel overwhelmed, when the road is uncertain, when you feel alone, when things are going well, on your best day and your worst, seek. Because He promises that "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13)


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