do unto others...

My sweetest Madelyn, I feel so terrible that I can't seem to write to you on time. I took you to the doctor for a weigh in the day before you turned 3 months old, got a picture a few days after, and here I am a week later finally documenting the occasion. I have good intentions, and I'm going to consider it a success that I'm writing before the month is over... even if today is the last day!

I said this with your sister, and I'll say it with you. Each month gets better and better! You are a precious gal and the sweetest baby. You are docile, content, laid back, and easy going. You're starting to find your voice and are giving us some sweet coos and a little giggle every now and then. Smiles are easy to come by with you! You're so strong and alert. You make great eye contact and even try to sit up a bit when you get the chance. You love baths, ceiling fans, and your bouncy chair. You've also got a set of the always-moving-Davis legs on you. Those little legs of your kick around quite a bit and when you get excited they really get going! And you're covered in the sweetest rolls! I could gobble you up! I kiss you about a million times a day and I can't tell if your open mouth is an attempt to kiss me back or just a search for food.

I was thinking about what I wanted to write to you this month concerning my motherly wisdom. Honestly, the "wisdom" I share usually stems from something I'm working through or mulling over. It's what God is teaching me and we should not only do our best to live out those truths but share them. This month has been full of lessons for both your father and me, but the one I want to share with you is the Golden Rule. "Do unto others as you'd have them to unto you." (Luke 6:31) These are the wise words of Jesus. A "rule" that is well known both inside and outside of Christian circles. One, that if always practiced, would make our world a pretty amazing place! I mean can you imagine if we only treated people the way we ourselves wanted to be treated? That would sure cut down on negative behaviors, wouldn't it? But this is a rule that I find myself living with expectation.

"Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you... and then expect it and be upset when they don't."

Jesus' words were written with no condition. He didn't say do unto others what they do to you. Or, do unto others if they do to you. Or, others will do to you what you do to them. Paraphrasing, he said, "treat people the way you want to be treated." Period. Do you want to be respected? Then respect others. Do you want to loved? Then love others. Do you want to be forgiven? Then forgive others. Do you want friends? Be a friend. Do you want compassion? Then show compassion. Do you want support? Then provide support. Do you want grace? Give grace. But there was never an expectation that what was given would be returned, and this is where I have found myself challenged many times over, especially lately.

Sometimes we think if we do something for someone then they're obligated to do the same for us. Like if I scratch your back, you'll scratch mine. And so we're really "doing unto others" with impure motives, unfair expectations, and with strings attached. We're doing what we're really hoping they'll do in return for us. God has used this simple rule to humble me over the past few months. Because the truth is that we should "do unto others" all the the time regardless of whether or not it is reciprocated. We should be kind to other people even if they aren't kind to us. And we should help others who need it even if they don't return the favor when we need help. We should celebrate life's good moments with others regardless of whether or not they celebrated with us, and we should grieve with them even if they don't show up to grieve with us. We should forgive regardless of if we are forgiven, and we should love even when we're feeling unloved. Because the Golden Rule wasn't written for our sake. It was written for the sake of others, and most importantly, for the glorification of God.

You see, Madelyn, when we do unto others what God asks of us, He is honored. People notice. It's easy to follow the Golden Rule when it's reciprocated, but when it's not and is lived out anyway, that's when God is glorified because then "you will be acting as children of the Most High, for He is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked." (Luke 6:35) And truth be told, it's not always the "ungrateful and wicked" that make this rule challenging for me. Often times, it's the people I interact with on a regular basis. They may not know it, but I do and so does the Lord. And God is reminding me that I must always do unto others as I would have them do unto me... even when they don't.

You're going to have to practice this Golden Rule in every area of your life, even with those you love the most. This rule goes both ways, however, because often times what we actually do unto others is eventually what they'll do unto us. If we don't love, forgive, support, respect, or honor others, then we can probably expect they won't in return.  But let me tell you a little secret... God's word never backfires. When you choose to do things His way, even if others don't reciprocate, you will be blessed through your obedience of living out His word.

You may not always get what you give, but if you give your best with the intentions of honoring and glorifying God, then you'll receive God's richest blessings in return.


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