Reason #148
I found this song last fall, and as I listened to it this morning, my eyes filled with tears and I remembered. I remembered how much this song perfectly described everything I was feeling. But the chorus said over and over, "Have your way..." And that was the hang up for me. Have His way?
I remember when I started praying and asking and hoping all would be saved. I remember desperately praying for the brokeness to be repaired. And I prayed that it would be His will but what I secretly meant was that His will would be my way. Although I trusted God, I didn't want to trust Him with this. Because deep down, I knew. Maybe it was a lacking of faith, but I don't think that was it. I think He was telling me that He was going to have His way, but it was not going to be my way. And I knew that when I finally let go and let Him have His way, it was going to be over. I knew that He wasn't going to let me have my way when I surrendered it to Him.
For most of my life, I've had my way. I've chosen what I would do, how I would do it, and when I would do it. And although I'm not usually a "my way or the highway" type of girl, I've had my moments. Because I like when things go my way. It goes against human nature to do what someone else wants you to do. I like when I get to determine and decide. And until I was knocked down on my back, I didn't realize the truth in these lyrics. Because, ultimately, God will have His way. We can fight, we can run, we can resist, but He will have His way regardless.
So I came to the point where I had to quit asking why. I had to quit wondering why He wasn't doing it my way. I had to trust that His way was the best. Even though I didn't necessarily like it at the time, I had to believe it because I had nothing else to hold on to. He was my only hope of getting through it, past it, and over it. He was my only hope for something better.
In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life..." And maybe that's why His way really is better. Maybe His way is better because He is THE way. And when we follow Him, the way, we don't have to question. We don't have to ask. We don't need to wonder. Because He is a good God, His ways are good.
#148 - Because He is THE way.
"Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.” - Joshua 22:5
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