Reason #151

My life changed drastically, and of all of the changes I hated making most, leaving my Sunday school class was, by far, the hardest. I was in a class of people who I had grown to love. I had an incredible teacher, was making good friends, and felt like I belonged. And then everything changed. I still had a good teacher, they were still good friends, but I no longer felt like I belonged. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel like I fit in at church. But I went anyway. And each Sunday, I felt awkward. I tried other classes but nothing seemed to be a good fit for me. I felt like I was never going to find a spot. I didn't think I would ever find anyone to relate to. Churches have strong college ministries, family ministries, adult ministries, and youth ministries. But then there's that group of us who aren't sure where we belong. We're stuck between stages in life. I had fully planned my next move being into the "family ministry," not the "singles ministry." Singles, I hate that word. Does anybody like it? Does anyone apprecaite being classified in that manner? It's just a word, but it's kind of a harsh one. A harsh reminder. And I didn't really want to be seen that way. Single...again. And so I began to pray because I just didn't feel like there was a solution. I saw young people sitting in "big church" on Sundays, but I couldn't find the spot where they were meeting together before-hand. And the more I searched and the more I looked, I realized there wasn't a spot. All of us, the in-betweeners, the "young singles," were stuck in the same spot. In no particular spot, that is.

For many months, God had been moving and stirring in my heart to do something, to take action, but I just couldn't figure out what it was He was asking me to do. So I kept waiting it out. Feeling anxious and unsettled but uncertain of what do to. And in April, sitting in church...alone... I finally heard Him. I finally figured it out. And He said, "It's time. You realize you aren't the only one looking for a spot and you've been asking for one, so I need you to step out and take the initiative." I thought, "Yea right. There is absolutely no way this is going to happen. I can just imagine going to the pastor and asking to lead a class. I'm young, I'm a girl, I'm divorced... the odds are against me." But He wouldn't let me out of it and so I finally did it. I contacted my pastor that night and to my surprise, I received a totally different response. He encouraged me to get the ball rolling and even shared with me that the staff had been praying about this exact thing. I'm glad I'm not always right.

Well that week, I met with another minister at the church. He was very open and excited about my desire to do this. As we talked about some ideas, we couldn't come up with anything that seemed to really be a solid solution. Throwing a young, inexperienced girl into a minstry that hasn't really developed didn't seem like the key to success. But I wasn't about to give up. I wasn't about to stop because we had come to a dead end. I knew this was something God was asking me to do and I just knew there had to be a way. I went home that night and I shared with my mom the dilemma we had on our hands. She said, "Brittnye, let's start praying that God will begin working in the heart of some young man to help lead this class." Once again I thought, "This is going to take FOREVER. I can't think of one guy who would be willing to help with this." But I began to pray. And just to remind you, this was in April.

The last weekend in April, I had lunch with a new friend, Lisa. She and I talked about this new possibility, as she was feeling the same way. Finally, someone I could relate to! She mentioned to me that she had met a guy a few weeks before who had shared with her that he had been praying about starting a new Sunday school class at church for people in our life stage. I was so excited to be having a conversation with someone who felt the same way that I didn't really pay attention to that important revelation about this guy she knew. And so the next week, we had lunch again. She reminded me about this guy who had been feeling led to start a new class and she said, "I'll give him your name and number and maybe you two can get this going."

The next day, May 7, I found myself sitting in a coffee shop with this guy. And for the next two hours, this guy, Tanner, and I talked about how God had been laying the exact same thing on our hearts. Well, talk about an answered prayer and a quick one at that! We started sharing our thoughts and ideas about this new development only to find out they were basically the same thoughts and ideas. We quickly began to realize that God, in His divine ways, was orchestrating something bigger than we thought. Something we couldn't ignore. And to be completely truthful, I still am amazed and humbled that He is choosing to use me this way.

Tomorrow is June 13. Tomorrow, the new adventure begins. Tomorrow, we begin laying the ground work for this developing ministry by leading a summer bible study. And I type with anxiety tonight because I don't know what to expect. I type with a nervous heart because I really didn't imagine that I would be in this spot so quickly, if ever. But I'm so grateful that when we allow God to use us, He does. I'm so glad that we don't have to be perfect and spotless to make an impact for His kingdom. Most of all, I am just thankful that even though He doesn't need me to accomplish this task, He is giving me the opportunity to be a part of it all and blessing me with incredible people to embark on this new adventure with!

#151 - Answered prayers, new adventures, and a place to fit in!

"You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our Savior..." - Psalm 65:5


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