Reason #160

Sometimes I get a little worried. Sometimes I just don't know what to do. Sometimes I don't know what to say, and when I finally come up with what I want to say, I don't know how or if I should say it. And so I keep it all to myself and I worry a little more. The next thing I know, this worry has turned into a constant nagging that drives me crazy until I can hardly stand it. After all I've been through, after all God has done for me, after all He has taught me, you'd think I would have learned my lesson about worrying. But I still worry.

I worry because of the uncertainty. I worry because I am afraid of what may or may not happen. I worry because I'm not in control. Mostly, I worry because things may not go the way I want them to, the way I think they should.

I woke up this morning with a song in my heart. The words have been stuck in my head all day and as I sit and type tonight, I realize why He placed them there. "I'm not going to worry, I know that you've got me right inside the palm of your hand." And it is in times like these that I have to talk sense into myself. Time to start thinking logically, not emotionally. Time to recall and remember how He has taken care of every worry I've ever had. When I look back, now that the fog has lifted a little, I see how every worry was turned into a praise. I see how His solutions exceeded any worry-induced fear. And if He has taken care of every worry up until this point, why would He suddenly stop? If He has met every need, every longing, every desire as He purposed, why would He quit now? Because really, worry is our way of telling God we don't fully trust Him isn't it? Worry means we've got our hands on it, trying to control the desired outcome. Worry and fear come as a pair, a pair that often times seems to have an unfair advantage over us. But worry is a choice, just like faith is a choice. Fear is just a feeling, and not one that is from Him.

So I am choosing to set my worries aside. I am choosing to lay my fear at His feet. Because He will work everything out for the best, just as He always does. And maybe it won't go the way I think it should, maybe it will. But I know either way that I will still find myself right inside the palm of His hand.

#160 - Because He isn't going to stop taking care of my worries now or ever.

“The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” - Psalm 121:7-8


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