Reason #924

Today I turned 27. It got here so quickly that it almost seems unbelievable. I can't believe I am officially in my late 20s and that my 30s are three short years away. They say every birthday comes faster, and I agree.

I celebrated my fifth birthday at the beach. Well, I'm pretty certain I was my fifth birthday, but I could be a year or so off in either direction. Anyway, it has proven to be one of the more memorable birthdays I have had. Our minivan got stuck in the sand, and although I'm not sure how that happened, I'll never forget how I felt about it. I was so upset about the whole situation. I cried my little eyes out and said, "This is the worst birthday ever." Of course, I didn't have too many birthdays to compare it to. I'm sure I wasn't helping out as I highly doubt I was the one who was most upset about this debacle. But I was just certain that my big day was ruined and we were going to be either stuck at the beach or car-less forever. After failed attempts to try and get the car out on our own, my dad found a man with a tractor who pulled the car to safety. All was well, and when I look back on that birthday, it is a funny and precious memory.

I've had a lot of those, you know. A whole, whole, whole lot of memories. And the only way I got those memories was through experiences. Some were better than others, and some I'd like to forget. But as I drove to work this morning, I found myself not only thanking the Lord for another year of life but for all the experiences I've had over the past 27 years. Some were fun, some were really difficult, some were complete surprises, and some (but not too many) went as planned. And you know what, I'm glad for each one. Because each experience has molded me into the person I am today. Each experience has brought me to where I am. And the memories, well, those will last me a life time.

I don't know what all I'll experience in my 27th year of life. Truthfully, I've tried to stop guessing and planning. All I know is that the Lord has something in store for me. Who knows what it will be. I can only imagine what I'll be blogging about next year, assuming He encourages me to keep it up. But I do know that whatever happens, I'll be left with another year full of memories. A year that will be filled with God's goodness, just as the past 27 have been. Another year of life, I know it will pass by even faster. But, when they keep getting better, I guess that's not such a bad thing after all.

#924 - Because He has given me 27 years.

"Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life..." - Psalm 23:6


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