Reason #935
We studied Daniel and the lions' den this morning. I am certain this is one of the top 5 bible stories that children learn. But did you know that Daniel was in his 80's when this happened? Did you know that he took about a 60 year sabbatical between when he worked for King Nebucadnezzar and King Darius? For 60 years Daniel was just being Daniel. He was faithfully living out his days for the Lord, consistently serving and pursuing God. Being available when the Lord called on Him and being open to God's plan no matter what.
People work to retire. At least in America we do. That's our goal. Work hard, save up, and retire as soon as we can. Because after working for so many years, you're tired. You want a break and you need the rest. At the end of the day I'm tired, and I'm only 27. I've been working for 6 years, so I can only imagine how I will feel when I get to the age of retirement. I'm just hoping I'll actually get the chance to retire. That's not always a given, you know. Some people work until the day they die, and I suppose if the Lord gives you the energy and ability to do that, then that's a good thing, too.
But don't you think that at the age of 80 Daniel was just ready to be left alone? Let the man live out his senior years in peace. After being out of the king's service for so many years, I just have to believe he didn't picture himself going back to work in his old profession. I would think that the thought of even going back might have overwhelmed him. In fact, in Daniel 5, King Belshazzar told Daniel that if he'd interpret the writing on the wall, he'd make Daniel third in command over the kingdom. Daniel basically says, "I'll tell you what the writing means, but I'm really not interested in your proposition." Well, regardless, Daniel lands himself back in the king's service as he had done so many years ago. But God had a reason for assigning Daniel the position He had given him the first time, and He had a reason to call Daniel back into it years later.
Sometimes we think that maybe God is just going to use us for this one incredible event. Or maybe, we think He will just use us during a certain season of our lives. We don't realize that all of our days are to be used by God, and just because God has called you to a specific role at a specific time in your life doesn't mean that you've served your only purpose and you're through. All of your days have purpose. Age is just a number to God. He isn't concerned about how old or young you are. He knows how many days you have, and He knows exactly what He has in store for each one. But we think, "We're too old to be serving so actively these days. We're tired and worn out, plus we gave a lot of ourselves at a younger age. The young people need to step up. They are the ones with the energy." And the young people think, "We don't have the time to serve in that capacity right now. Someday when we're older and retired, we'll have more time to give of ourselves. Plus, we'll be wiser and that will make us more effective. We're just trying to figure our life out right now." But clearly there isn't an ideal age to serve God. Why, you ask? Because we were created to serve God from the moment we came into this world until the moment we leave it. Sure, we might have more energy at some points and more wisdom at another. That's why we can serve Him in so many ways over our lifetime. When we're too worn out to put a new roof on the house of a needy family, we've got the wisdom to mentor and advise. And when we're just getting our roots established and really making our faith our own, we've got the energy to chase kids around at the youth events or travel to another country to dig a water well. You see, God has equipped you at every age to serve Him. He knew exactly what you'd need to serve Him in your 20s and to serve Him in your 80s and He's provided you with the skills and abilities to do so. You've just got to be willing, like Daniel, to answer the call.
God used Daniel to impact nations of people throughout his lifetime. I'm sure Daniel had his days where he just wanted to sit in the back row and observe. I am sure that he was tired and stretched thin and found himself wanting to take a little break. But Daniel was a willing servant. He had a willing heart, and that never changed. No matter where he was or what he was doing, he faithfully served the Lord. Young or old, weak or strong, high position or common citizen, Daniel answered the call. So don't wait for the right time. It doesn't exist. God has already called you. He has given you a purpose and equipped you for the mission. All you have to do is be willing to serve.
#935 - Because God has given all of our days purpose from the first to the last.
"For he is the living God, and he will endure forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his rule will never end. He rescues and saves his people; he performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” - Daniel 6:26-27
People work to retire. At least in America we do. That's our goal. Work hard, save up, and retire as soon as we can. Because after working for so many years, you're tired. You want a break and you need the rest. At the end of the day I'm tired, and I'm only 27. I've been working for 6 years, so I can only imagine how I will feel when I get to the age of retirement. I'm just hoping I'll actually get the chance to retire. That's not always a given, you know. Some people work until the day they die, and I suppose if the Lord gives you the energy and ability to do that, then that's a good thing, too.
But don't you think that at the age of 80 Daniel was just ready to be left alone? Let the man live out his senior years in peace. After being out of the king's service for so many years, I just have to believe he didn't picture himself going back to work in his old profession. I would think that the thought of even going back might have overwhelmed him. In fact, in Daniel 5, King Belshazzar told Daniel that if he'd interpret the writing on the wall, he'd make Daniel third in command over the kingdom. Daniel basically says, "I'll tell you what the writing means, but I'm really not interested in your proposition." Well, regardless, Daniel lands himself back in the king's service as he had done so many years ago. But God had a reason for assigning Daniel the position He had given him the first time, and He had a reason to call Daniel back into it years later.
Sometimes we think that maybe God is just going to use us for this one incredible event. Or maybe, we think He will just use us during a certain season of our lives. We don't realize that all of our days are to be used by God, and just because God has called you to a specific role at a specific time in your life doesn't mean that you've served your only purpose and you're through. All of your days have purpose. Age is just a number to God. He isn't concerned about how old or young you are. He knows how many days you have, and He knows exactly what He has in store for each one. But we think, "We're too old to be serving so actively these days. We're tired and worn out, plus we gave a lot of ourselves at a younger age. The young people need to step up. They are the ones with the energy." And the young people think, "We don't have the time to serve in that capacity right now. Someday when we're older and retired, we'll have more time to give of ourselves. Plus, we'll be wiser and that will make us more effective. We're just trying to figure our life out right now." But clearly there isn't an ideal age to serve God. Why, you ask? Because we were created to serve God from the moment we came into this world until the moment we leave it. Sure, we might have more energy at some points and more wisdom at another. That's why we can serve Him in so many ways over our lifetime. When we're too worn out to put a new roof on the house of a needy family, we've got the wisdom to mentor and advise. And when we're just getting our roots established and really making our faith our own, we've got the energy to chase kids around at the youth events or travel to another country to dig a water well. You see, God has equipped you at every age to serve Him. He knew exactly what you'd need to serve Him in your 20s and to serve Him in your 80s and He's provided you with the skills and abilities to do so. You've just got to be willing, like Daniel, to answer the call.
God used Daniel to impact nations of people throughout his lifetime. I'm sure Daniel had his days where he just wanted to sit in the back row and observe. I am sure that he was tired and stretched thin and found himself wanting to take a little break. But Daniel was a willing servant. He had a willing heart, and that never changed. No matter where he was or what he was doing, he faithfully served the Lord. Young or old, weak or strong, high position or common citizen, Daniel answered the call. So don't wait for the right time. It doesn't exist. God has already called you. He has given you a purpose and equipped you for the mission. All you have to do is be willing to serve.
#935 - Because God has given all of our days purpose from the first to the last.
"For he is the living God, and he will endure forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his rule will never end. He rescues and saves his people; he performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” - Daniel 6:26-27
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