Reason #948
Today has been one of those days. A day where I have felt entirely discouraged and slightly depressed. It all started this morning when I read a news article as I sat in the drive-thru at the bank. From there, my day continued to head south. I could hardly enjoy it, which is unfortunate. Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." But today I found it hard to be glad and rejoice.
I always fall victim to the 'what if' game, and the 'what if' game is taking a mental toll on me as I think about what is happening around the world. I look at our economy, at the decisions that are being made, at the vulnerability that has been created, and I begin to fear. I begin to worry and fret, and I mourn the fact that my future may not be so bright. Growing up, I really felt like the world was at my fingertips. I imagined myself living a good life full of good things. And even though they say the best is yet to come, sometimes I worry that maybe the best lies in the past.
I want to believe that deep down people are good. I saw a young man help an older lady get her walker situated as she slowly headed into the store today, and I thought to myself, "This is what I want. This is the kind of world I want to live in, the kind of world I want my children to grow up in." I want to live in a place where people look out for one another. A place where people respect each other and truly care about one another's well being. A place where kindness is shown and the right thing is done. But that's not the world we live in, and I don't think it's going to get that way anytime soon. And as I took a shower tonight, I wished I was 100. I wished that I had already lived a full life and seen good days. But I'm 27 years old, and I wonder how much longer my definition of good will last.
I read through Daniel this afternoon, and my heart was encouraged. I appreciate how the Lord is so kind to speak to us through His word the very things we need to hear. And today, I needed renewed hope. Today, I needed an extra dose of comfort. Daniel did, too. I really admire Daniel, and I've learned a lot from him over these past few weeks as we've studied his story. God did some really amazing things through, with, and for Daniel. He had a unique connection with the Lord because of his faithfulness to consistently serve God. Anyway, in chapter 10 Daniel had a vision that was so upsetting to him that he was in mourning for three weeks. An angel appeared to him to explain some things about the future, and Daniel admits that he is scared about the things he has seen. The angel says, "Don't be afraid for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong." (Daniel 10:19)
And I suppose that's really what we have to remember. I could be worried about things that will not come to pass during my lifetime, or my fears could become my reality. But regardless, I am deeply loved by God. Deeply loved by a God who took the time to form and create me, to have a purpose and a plan for me, and to breathe life into my lungs each day. A God who was so compassionate and merciful that He sent His only son to die on a cross for my sins so that my soul would be saved. A God who has weaved redemption throughout history from day one, and a God who always has been and always will be in control. A God who gives us peace in the midst of chaos and who will give us strength when we feel weak. A God who knows the exact number of hair strands on my head and who knows the exact number of days I have in this life. And I suppose that if we serve a God like that, then we can take heart. We can be encouraged to keep moving forward and live out the lives He has planned for us because there's a reason for it all.
#948 - For the renewed hope He gives from His word.
"When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer." - Psalm 94:19
I always fall victim to the 'what if' game, and the 'what if' game is taking a mental toll on me as I think about what is happening around the world. I look at our economy, at the decisions that are being made, at the vulnerability that has been created, and I begin to fear. I begin to worry and fret, and I mourn the fact that my future may not be so bright. Growing up, I really felt like the world was at my fingertips. I imagined myself living a good life full of good things. And even though they say the best is yet to come, sometimes I worry that maybe the best lies in the past.
I want to believe that deep down people are good. I saw a young man help an older lady get her walker situated as she slowly headed into the store today, and I thought to myself, "This is what I want. This is the kind of world I want to live in, the kind of world I want my children to grow up in." I want to live in a place where people look out for one another. A place where people respect each other and truly care about one another's well being. A place where kindness is shown and the right thing is done. But that's not the world we live in, and I don't think it's going to get that way anytime soon. And as I took a shower tonight, I wished I was 100. I wished that I had already lived a full life and seen good days. But I'm 27 years old, and I wonder how much longer my definition of good will last.
I read through Daniel this afternoon, and my heart was encouraged. I appreciate how the Lord is so kind to speak to us through His word the very things we need to hear. And today, I needed renewed hope. Today, I needed an extra dose of comfort. Daniel did, too. I really admire Daniel, and I've learned a lot from him over these past few weeks as we've studied his story. God did some really amazing things through, with, and for Daniel. He had a unique connection with the Lord because of his faithfulness to consistently serve God. Anyway, in chapter 10 Daniel had a vision that was so upsetting to him that he was in mourning for three weeks. An angel appeared to him to explain some things about the future, and Daniel admits that he is scared about the things he has seen. The angel says, "Don't be afraid for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong." (Daniel 10:19)
And I suppose that's really what we have to remember. I could be worried about things that will not come to pass during my lifetime, or my fears could become my reality. But regardless, I am deeply loved by God. Deeply loved by a God who took the time to form and create me, to have a purpose and a plan for me, and to breathe life into my lungs each day. A God who was so compassionate and merciful that He sent His only son to die on a cross for my sins so that my soul would be saved. A God who has weaved redemption throughout history from day one, and a God who always has been and always will be in control. A God who gives us peace in the midst of chaos and who will give us strength when we feel weak. A God who knows the exact number of hair strands on my head and who knows the exact number of days I have in this life. And I suppose that if we serve a God like that, then we can take heart. We can be encouraged to keep moving forward and live out the lives He has planned for us because there's a reason for it all.
#948 - For the renewed hope He gives from His word.
"When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer." - Psalm 94:19
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