no matter our situation, His resources aren't limited...

It has been quite the week. Between all of the celebrations and having something to do almost every single night of the week, we've hardly had any down time. I have been itching to write all week. I just haven't had time. I used to stay up all hours of the night to write, but at this stage of growing a baby, sleep is precious. I can't stay up very late, and if I don't get a good night's rest, it makes for a rough day. And so I was beyond excited when we finished our lunch today and realized we had NOTHING else to do for the rest of the day. Summer has come at the perfect time!

I want to back up to Tuesday. Aaron and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. When we got married, I told Aaron that I wanted to have fun. It's easy to get into a routine and let time get away from you. Don't get me wrong, I love our routine, but I also love making memories. No one looks back at the end of their life and says, " I remember that Tuesday I was sitting in the office working and waiting for 5:00. That was the best day!" They remember the special, unique moments. Those are what stick out to us. And so we promised each other that we would make the most of our time together while we could. Because we knew that our season of being a young, married couple wouldn't last forever. We knew we wanted to have children one day, and like they say, a baby changes everything. We knew that sleeping in would no longer be the norm. That late night movie and dessert dates would be really far and few between. We knew that vacations would be shorter and more kid friendly. And we knew that our alone time together would be decreased. We decided we'd take a vacation once a year, and that we'd celebrate any and every occasion as much as possible. Life is full of stressful moments. Life busy, sometimes really difficult, and sometimes it is so much easier to find the bad than the good. And so, even if it was to humor me, Aaron agreed that we'd take time to break from our routine and intentionally make memories to last our lifetime.

To celebrate our anniversary, we took the day off from work. This was my first time to ever take a day off to stay home for no particular reason. If I miss work, I am either sick, out of town, or have something that must be done. But we decided we'd spend the day together relaxing and doing things we enjoyed. After all, this will be our last child-less anniversary, so we needed to live it up! We started our day with massages. The weather was so nice that we decided we'd take a mid-afternoon walk when we got home. With Scout in tow, we headed out only to realize that it was a little warmer than we thought. She began panting a few blocks into our walk, so we found a shade tree and sat down for a little break. As we enjoyed the shade, we watched a group of birds play in a puddle nearby. There was hardly any noise outside. It was still, quiet, and as we watched those little birds take a bath in a muddy puddle at the end of an alley, I thought about Jesus words in Matthew 6.

"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" - Matthew 6:26-27

It's easy to worry. Especially in this season of the unknown, as we await the birth of our first child, there is a whole lot of unknown. But as I watched those little birds, my heart was comforted by this wisdom straight from the mouth of our Lord. Worry doesn't add a single moment, rather it takes away from the moments we have and robs us of joy. Yet until we slow down, until we are actually trusting in the Lord, we miss it. We overlook the promise of His care and provision. Worry has a way of pulling our eyes away from Him and focusing them on our own inadequacies so that we feel overwhelmed. Lost. Stressed. Yet those little birds weren't worried. Even in the dirty water, they were enjoying a nice bath. Of course, with the lack of standing water in this part of Texas, it really drove home the point Jesus was trying to make. These birds can't provide water for themselves. They are completely helpless. But isn't it like our Lord to provide exactly what we need when we need it? No matter our situation, His resources aren't limited. If He can rain manna from Heaven and make water flow from a rock, He's got this. Whatever this worry is about. He's got it.

And so don't worry. Live each day as fully as possible because we don't get them back. There is no re-do. There is redemption, but there are no re-dos. Enjoy this time. Enjoy right where you are today because you'll look back one day and you'll think, "Wow, that time was actually really sweet. I wish I would have taken advantage of it rather than allowing worry to rush me or distract me." And make a point to notice. To recognize his provision, to praise him for his goodness, and to keep trusting him because "if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you." - Matthew 6:30


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