Reason #419

Tonight was Scout's graduation from dog training classes. Top of the class, too. She was "vale-dog-torian," as Aaron said. For seven Thursdays in a row, Scout has gone to class to learn good household manners. Now, I already feel that she's perfect but now she is even more perfect! Aaron has been patient to work with her each week, to teach her, and to encourage her. He's done a mighty good job! I definitely had my "proud-mom" moment tonight as I watched Scout totally dominate every trick she's learned since January.

I don't know if Scout feels very proud of her accomplishments or not. I don't know that she really even understands why she was going to the classes or the whole purpose of them. She's learned everything well, and I will say that she has grown to love her teacher dearly. It's easy to love Aaron. Really, spend 5 minutes with him and you can't help but like him. I'm sure I sound a little biased right now, but I'm totally not. Scout makes friends fast. She loves people and could care the less if she's known them forever or just met them. She treats everyone the same. But things changed last year when Aaron began hanging out with us. Up until that point, Scout got all of the attention. I constantly carried her, held her all the time, and spoiled her. Her clingy ways were definitely my doing. However, in my defense, she's so cute and sweet that it's really hard not to do those things. Anyhow, she got a little confused when Aaron showed up. All of the sudden the tables had turned and Scout wasn't getting my undivided attention. She was having to share it and sometimes, she even heard the dreaded word "no." And so things began to change in her little world.

It was pretty obvious, early on, that we were going to have to figure out our pecking order. Scout was bound and determined that she was not going to be left out and, more than that, she was determined she was going to be right in the middle of everything. I decided that these dog classes may the solution for us and so we signed up. Scout and I have bonded well. She's my girl for sure, and there is no doubting her loyalty. But I wanted Aaron to feel the same way about her, too. After all, the three of us will be living under the same roof before long and I'm all for working any wrinkles out ahead of time. I went to sign up Scout for classes and found out that only one person could work with her. After some thought, we decided it would be best for Aaron to work with her. For one, she listens better to him than she does me. Secondly, unlike me, he doesn't crack like an egg when she looks at him with her big brown eyes. And most importantly, I felt like this would be a good bonding experience for them.

Well, I think they've bonded. Scout is pretty crazy about him. In fact, she runs to greet him before she greets me when we're together. When Aaron is on the way over, I'll tell her and the moment she hears his name, her little ears perk up and she heads towards the back door. She loves to play with him, she loves for him to hold her, and she has recently taken up snuggling with him. He's a good sport and he goes along with it. Not many guys would be willing to sport around a 4.5 pound skinny, minnie, dog, and I really apprecaite that about him. I would venture to say they have most definitely grown to love one another, and I almost wonder if I'll be the third wheel before too much longer.

I see a lot of myself in this situation. The Lord has put me through tests and trials, teaching me and molding me. Some of it I didn't understand and some of it I did. But through those times we grew closer and closer because I had to trust Him. I had to look to Him and depend on Him to show me what to do. I didn't know what was next. I just had to listen and watch and try to learn as I went along. But God has been so good and faithful to work with me. Good to not just give up on me when I got stubborn or selfish. Good to be patient with me and to continue to guide me forward. Good to even care enough about me to teach me, test me, and change me. And really, the thing behind it all is love. Love is the driving force. The reason it is taking place. I don't have to understand it. I don't have to know what's next. I just have to know who to trust and keep my eyes on. And because I've figured that out, I've been able to learn a lot and get through a lot. And because of that, my love for Him has grown deeper and deeper. I apprecaite Him in ways I never had before, I view Him differently than before, and I've really learned how to trust and obey through it all. So I'm thankful for a God who loves us enough to teach us, to work with us, and to deepen our relationship with Him. Learning is hard, it's difficult and challenging, and sometimes it's plain exhausting, but when you have a kind and loving teacher it's not so bad. I'm thankful that He is mine!

#419 - Because He is a kind, loving, patient teacher.

“Look, God is all-powerful. Who is a teacher like him?" - Job 36:22


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