Reason #432

Stress has manifested itself in many different forms throught out my body. The most telling sign, aside from the huge red knot conveniently located on the end of my chin, are the knots found in my shoulders and neck. I went to get a massage over the weekend and it sounded like someone was popping bubble wrap. After much pressing and kneading, the knots were broken up long enough for me to make it to the car before reassembling themselves. And so, fittingly, I found myself sitting in some what of a knot-shaped position in my bedroom floor tonight.

I have a friend who used to lead worship at my church, and this girl can sing. I mean, seriously, she is gifted. I definitely miss her, so I was glad to see that her husband had posted some videos of her leading worship at a women's conferece. I began listening to her sing "Might to Save" and tears immediately started pouring out of my eyes.

Savior, He can move the mountains
My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save...
He can move moutains. I've seen this myself. I know full well He saves. But I expect it in the big things and forget about it the little things. I expect rescue from major disasters yet I flouder in the minor emergencies. Wounds, I know He'll heal, but I forget that He will take care of cuts and bruises, too. I forget to take the little things to Him. Little things seem manageable, not that big of deal. But the truth is, it's the little things that get you. It's the little things that can end up doing the most damage in the long run. A lot of times, it's the little things that matter the most. And if He is mighty to save, willing to move mountains, then the hills are no problem for Him either. Bumps and scratches are nothing for Him to heal. Yet I keep them to myself, hold on to them, try to nurse myself back to health only to end up feeling worse. Worse with a body full of knots and eyes full of tears as I slowly slide down the hill.
And so, tonight, as I have an achy back and really exhaused spirit, I'm so thankful to serve a God who not only can but will move mountains. And more than that, a God who will move our hills, too. A God who will catch us as we slide down them and help us conqueor them. A God who is mighty to save, no matter how big or small it seems. Because if it matters to us, it matters to God. And I'm thankful that He is a God who can always clean up the mess we've created, undo knots we've tied, and save us from ourselves time and time again.
So take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
And fill my life again
I give my life to follow everything I believe in
Now I surrender...
#432 - Because He will move our hills, too.
"I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!" - Psalm 121:1-2


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