Reason #431

I have a customer that has been a quick friend. I see her about one every other week and talk to her on the phone in between visits. She's a riot and always has interesting stories to share with me. The first time she sat down at my desk a month ago, we swapped stories. She's been through a lot, is still going through a lot, but she always makes sure to mention God. Today as she was sharing a difficult situation with me she said, "I just know God has to be doing something, right? Isn't that usually when He's working the most." I agreed. Moments after she finished her story she excitedly gasped and said, "Is that a tattoo on your wrist?" And so we talked about tattoos for a few minutes and I thought back to last April when I made the decision to get mine.

I had been toying with the idea and I distinctly remember the moment I decided I would do it. My brother searched high and low for a tattoo parlor with an opening, and on a Saturday afternoon I stuck my wrist out for 3 whole minutes as Louis sketched a butterfly that is now a permanent part of me. A little tiny butterfly outline that won't go away. A reminder of what God has done for me. And sure, one day my skin won't be as tight as it is right now, and I know I'll become more "distinguished" looking as the years pass, but I don't think I'll ever regret it. Almost one year out and I'm still glad I did it. 

The past two days have been packed full of reminders of God's faithfulness. I shared one of them with you yesterday, and between that and my tattoo discussion today, the Lord has blessed me with a few songs I haven't heard in a while. It's interesting how you attach memories to certain things. A smell, a song, a restaurant, an outfit. You know, some things are just seared in your mind. You remember where you were when it happened. You remember what the weather was like, what you had on, how you felt, who else was there, what you were thinking. And as the Lord has been flooding my days with so many reminders, I am seeing them in a different light now. They aren't painful. They don't hurt or cause me grief. Rather, I'm filled with joy when one of these distant reminders comes up. Gratitude for what God did and for what God is doing. And I'm thankful that He has allowed these memories to become like that. Memories that will bless rather than depress. Because the truth is, when I am reminded through song or conversation or anything else, I am just overwhelmed at how good God truly is.

God did big things for the Israelites. As they journeyed through the wilderness, they would often stop and make a little monument to honor God. A physical reminder of what God had done for them. That way, when they passed by in the future, they would not only remember what God did, but they would pass on the story. And I feel like God is doing that for me. Allowing me to pass by little reminders of the big things He has done. Wanting me to remember and to be filled with praise and joy because of that. God is good. I know I say this a lot and it seems really simple, but He is. He is so, so, so, so good. And the fact that He would continue to pour out good thing after good thing in my life just boggles my mind. Because even when we are in the valley and it seems that nothing good is happening, it is. It just takes some time to realize it. God works before our eyes but He also works behind the scenes preparing better things for us. And maybe, sometimes, we have to go a while without recognizing good in order to really appreciate it. However, once we've seen God do good things, we should make an effort to remember it. Tell people about it. Share the goodness. Because it only gets sweeter from there. Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good...", and once you've tasted of His goodness, you realize that it doesn't get better than Him!

#431 - For reminders of His goodness!

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works. They tell of the power of your awesome works— and I will proclaim your great deeds. They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness." - Psalm 145:3-7


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