Reason #420
De ja vu is a strange thing. Aaron and I drove in to Dallas tonight and my mind couldn't help but go back to last year. Last year, at this time I was on my way to Hungary. We flew from Lubbock to Dallas to spend the night and it was late when we finally made it. Dark, chilly and a little rainy. Tonight, the weather was the same. I couldn't help but think about how I felt that night as we headed to Hungary. A small bit of relief washed over me, and I was just grateful to be getting away. Grateful to having something else to think about and keep me occupied for a week. This trip had come at the perfect time.
One year ago I didn't know what the Lord had in store for me. I knew He was going to do something big for me while I was in Hungary. There was no way He was going to take me across the world and keep me the same. I knew I would be changed and that was my prayer. I wanted to come home a different person. I wanted to experience His power in a different way. I wanted something big to happen.
Well, I've learned that God doesn't do things for me in one big fail swoop. There has never been a time where I've just had this overwhelming experience and all of my problems were solved. I am such a work in progress, and that seems to be the same way He helps me through things. It's always a process complete with little victories, more challenges, and lots of lessons. Hungary was that for me. A start. A small victory, and I began to realize that God had more in store for me than I originally thought.
If you would have asked then what I thought my life was going to look like one year later, I wouldn't have known what to say. I would have imagined I'd still be at my job, still trying to figure out the next step, and continuing to move forward with my life. I wasn't expecting dramatic things by any means. Baby steps, so I didn't see it coming. One year ago I would have never imagined I would find myself back in Dallas to take engagement pictures with the most wonderful guy I have ever met. I would have never imagined I would be spending the weekend with my soon-to-be sister and brother-in-law. I would have never come up with this or even expected such a thing. But God knew. And He knew I needed that trip to Hungary so that I could start to feel alive again. He knew I needed a renewed perspective on life. And, by doing so, God used that spring break to begin redeeming all of the other spring breaks from years past.
Spring break is always an interesting time for me. The middle of March is always such a dramatic and vulnerable time, as has been the case since my 7th grade year of junior high. It's very bittersweet, and March has done a good job of playing with my emotions. But this year is a little different. No bitterness, completely sweet. And for that, I couldn't be more grateful!
#420 - For a redeemed March.
"When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked! For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!" - Isaiah 64:3-4
One year ago I didn't know what the Lord had in store for me. I knew He was going to do something big for me while I was in Hungary. There was no way He was going to take me across the world and keep me the same. I knew I would be changed and that was my prayer. I wanted to come home a different person. I wanted to experience His power in a different way. I wanted something big to happen.
Well, I've learned that God doesn't do things for me in one big fail swoop. There has never been a time where I've just had this overwhelming experience and all of my problems were solved. I am such a work in progress, and that seems to be the same way He helps me through things. It's always a process complete with little victories, more challenges, and lots of lessons. Hungary was that for me. A start. A small victory, and I began to realize that God had more in store for me than I originally thought.
If you would have asked then what I thought my life was going to look like one year later, I wouldn't have known what to say. I would have imagined I'd still be at my job, still trying to figure out the next step, and continuing to move forward with my life. I wasn't expecting dramatic things by any means. Baby steps, so I didn't see it coming. One year ago I would have never imagined I would find myself back in Dallas to take engagement pictures with the most wonderful guy I have ever met. I would have never imagined I would be spending the weekend with my soon-to-be sister and brother-in-law. I would have never come up with this or even expected such a thing. But God knew. And He knew I needed that trip to Hungary so that I could start to feel alive again. He knew I needed a renewed perspective on life. And, by doing so, God used that spring break to begin redeeming all of the other spring breaks from years past.
Spring break is always an interesting time for me. The middle of March is always such a dramatic and vulnerable time, as has been the case since my 7th grade year of junior high. It's very bittersweet, and March has done a good job of playing with my emotions. But this year is a little different. No bitterness, completely sweet. And for that, I couldn't be more grateful!
#420 - For a redeemed March.
"When you came down long ago, you did awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations. And oh, how the mountains quaked! For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!" - Isaiah 64:3-4
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