Reason #895
We should be a people of our word. People who look out for the greater good of mankind, of those around us, rather than simply ourselves. People who aren’t so concerned about fulfilling our selfish agenda that we run over others, pushing their needs aside. We should be people who are committed to doing good. People who are committed to following through. People who are trustworthy and dependable. Yet more often than not, it seems that many promises are unfulfilled or broken rather than kept.
The hard thing about being an adult is awareness. Knowing what’s going on in the world is depressing. Children are sheltered, somewhat these days, and aren’t knowledgeable of current world events. Even if they hear about it, they don’t understand the magnitude of the things that are happening. Yet as an adult, you can see the writing on the wall. Seeing one failed promise after another is enough to discourage even the strong at heart. And this morning, as I sought for a word from the Lord, this is what I found.
“I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by the honor of your name.” – Psalm 138:2
There is no greater name. No higher name. No name above our God’s. And in a world of broken and unfulfilled promises, my heart is encouraged that God’s promises are never fail. In fact, they can’t fail. Why? Because they’re backed by His name, and God never fails. He never fails to deliver, to fulfill, and to keep His word. Good or bad, God keeps His word, and He does so that either way, we know He is God.
Our economy might fail. The dollar, backed by gold, might very well fail. Policies are failing, families are failing, marriages and mortgages and morality is failing. But God’s promises don’t fail. His promise of eternal life for those who call on His name holds true. His promise of provision for His children has never faltered. His promise for a hopeful future, for redemption, for His return has yet to fail. A promise is a promise in God’s eyes. What He has spoken, He will do. And so I praise Him for the honor of His name. For fulfilling promises and for the ones that are waiting to be fulfilled. And I am forever grateful that no matter may fail, God’s unfailing love, God’s faithfulness, and God’s promises never will.
#895 - Because His promises are backed by the honor of His name.
"The Lord’s promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." - Psalm 12:6
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