Reason #903
College was a very rich time in my life. It went by so quickly, but I have so many fond memories of college. Given the chance to re-live those days again, I would. It’s such a unique time in life, and sometimes I can hardly believe how far those days are behind me.
I got my first taste of leadership in college. Of course, the truth is, I never really saw myself as a leader. I certainly wanted to be, but you know how high school is. Most leadership is based solely off of popularity and looks, two things I did not possess. And so when I got the call about leading my first bible study, I was elated. I was so honored, too. The college ministry I was involved in had hundreds of members, and I couldn’t believe that I was being asked to take such a position. I gladly accepted, and my dear friend Leslee and I lead a Challenge Group together.
When all of our members were present, there were 6 of us. That number included Leslee and myself. Of course, we lead an all-girls group, and who in college doesn’t want to be in the co-ed groups? But we had a great little group. We had some really solid girls, and I loved getting to spend time with them each week. But more than that, I loved getting to spend every Wednesday night with my group mentor, Gale. Gale had a group of the leaders come over to her house each week, and we would fellowship and learn from her. She has such a sweet, sweet spirit. Going to her house was kind of like going home in a way. She would cook us dinner every Wednesday night, and she would ask how life was treating us. Gale quickly became one of my favorite people, a sweet lady who has encouraged me through so many significant life changes, that I knew we’d be friends forever.
I prayed for a husband to serve the Lord with. I’m a doer, and after getting a chance to lead a Challenge group, I knew I loved teaching. I wanted to teach a class with the man I married, and to be honest I never really thought that would be a possibility. I figured I’d either have to plan the class socials or stick solely to teaching women’s bible studies. Of course, I love doing those things too, but I wanted to be able to work alongside the man I married to serve the Lord. I wanted it to be a part of our lives, of who we are. I wanted him to be as eager about it as I was because I realized that was the only way it would happen. Twisting someone’s arm to do the Lord’s work is rarely a successful endeavor. And so when Aaron and I started dating, he knew up front that it was my desire to teach a bible study. I was smack dab in the middle of starting up a bible study, as you well know, and God was doing such a mighty work in my life through it. As we continued dating, I told him that I wanted to serve together when we got married. I saw how eager he was to use his talents and abilities to serve God, and I knew that would never have to worry about whether or not we’d continue to after we got married. We both have a love for teaching and speaking, and so he was more than happy to serve with me. What a blessing to have a husband like that. A husband who is a leader, a husband who is excited about serving, and a husband who jumps at the opportunity to get plugged in. And so we prayed about where God would lead us. We asked how we could best serve Him, and a few short months ago, we were asked to be mentors to the leaders of the college community groups.
We sat in Gale’s living room last night, and I was amazed at how God has brought this situation full circle. From being a 20 year old student who was just getting a taste of leadership and learning from Gale, to sitting next to my husband in her living room as we began to plan and prepare for the students we would be learning with and mentoring together over this new school year. What an incredible thing! How good is the Lord, right?! How wise are His ways! How fulfilling are His purposes! And my heart was overwhelmed as I was reminded of how the Lord had been faithful to answer my requests and meet my heart’s desires. I was so amazed at the journey I have been on between when I started out as a student leader in college to last night, and I was grateful that God has seen me through it all. Yet more than that, I was so thankful that He still desires to use me.
“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service.” (1 Timothy 1:12) Paul said it best. What an honor to serve the Lord. What a blessing to be trusted with God’s word. To be able to share His power, to be able to know His love, and to be transformed through it all. Yet how sweet to live it out in marriage. To have someone who wants to roll up their sleeves and get in there with you. Someone whose life has also been transformed and changed by the Lord. God is faithful to equip us and to provide us with what we need so that we can do His kingdom’s work. And so I thank the Lord for the opportunities, for the lessons learned, for the incredible experiences, and for a husband who will happily serve Him with me.
#903 – Because He considered me trustworthy, appointing me to His service.
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength to do his work." - 1 Timothy 1:12
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