Reason #898
One of my sweet friends from college is going to a Beth Moore conference with me this weekend. I am really looking forward to it. I’ve never seen Beth Moore live before, so I know it will be a wonderful experience. She is such an incredible woman, and I really admire her. Truth is, sometimes I want to be her. Well, maybe not be her, but I want to be like her. I want to have the same speaking ability she has. I want to be able to write the way that she does. To draw analogies and make scripture come alive like she can. What wisdom! What knowledge! What a powerful woman of God! And so sometimes I really want to be magically transformed into that type of woman.
But there is only one Beth Moore. There is only one me. That’s all there will ever be… of the both of us. And God saw it best to be that way. God planned it out that way. He didn’t want every Godly woman to be the exact same mold. I suppose we’re each mold-breakers if you look at it that way. We’re not cut the same, and that’s for a reason. Because no one can be the wife to your husband like you can. No one can be the mother to your children like you can. No other woman can hold your position and influence at work like you can. You’re the only woman who can lead in the way that you do. The only woman who can be the friend that you are. God has divinely placed each one of us in a specific place at a specific time for a specific reason. And He has given each one of us a specific task and specific responsibilities that are uniquely planned and designed for us. If we were all Beth Moore’s, who would teach school? And if we all taught school, who would nurse sick patients back to health? And if we were all medical professionals, who would keep the businesses running? You get where I am going with this. We can’t all be each other. We need to be ourselves.
And so God needed me to be Brittnye Davis. He needed me to do the job He gave me. He needed me to have the personality traits and abilities that He picked out for me. He needed me to be a wife to Aaron, to be a daughter to my parents, and to be a sister to my brother. He needed me to belong to the family I belong to. He needed me to be willing to teach Sunday School and be involved in the church and community that He planted me. He needed me to care for Scout, to live on the block where I live, and to be a friend to the friends He has crossed my path with. And He needs you to be you, too. Only you can make the impact that you can make. Only you can leave behind your legacy. Only you can influence people in the way that you do. You’re needed, you’re useful, and you’re making a difference. Whether it be on a stage or behind a desk, from the pages of the book or through daily conversations, everything you do matters when you do it unto the Lord.
#898- Because He molded us the way He needed us to be.
"And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand." - Isaiah 64:8
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