Reason #917

Sometimes life doesn't make sense. Neither do people. The way the world works is confusing, isn't it? And, things don't seem to be getting clearer. Sometimes I just don't get it. I don't get the ways of the human heart. I don't understand how the brain can think such thoughts. Because although all things were created by God and intended for good, it's really hard to see the good in life sometimes.

That's the problem with sin though. It tries really hard to cover up the good, and it seems as if it has been quite successful doing so through out time. But God always overcomes. He triumphs, and maybe you've gone through something and you're thinking, "Are you certain about that? I haven't seen victory in this particular circumstance." Well, just hang in there. There's a bigger picture and you're only hold a few pieces of it. Victory comes in many different ways, and God has the last say.

But what do we do when waiting on a victory? Better yet, what do we do when it really does seem like we've lost? How do we find good in difficulties? If only there was a clear cut answer. But there's not. There's no "3 Keys to Discovering the Good in All Situations" book. There's no guaranteed thing you can do to ensure goodness is easily recognized over the pain, heartache and suffering. And tonight, as I drove home from a long day, these words began to play over the radio.

Look up, another day before me
Look back, another day is gone
Should my heart begin to worry
Lift my eyes to find again the promise of Your love
Lift my eyes to find again that You will be enough

All our yesterdays and all of our tomorrows
Held in Your hands, held in Your hands
All we know to pray and all we've yet to face
Is held in Your hands, is held in Your hands

I know, Jesus, I can trust You
I know in all things You are good
I'm casting every care upon You
You knew my name, my every pain, before this breath was mine
You made a way, You overcame with love that outlives time

All our yesterdays and all of our tomorrows
Held in Your hands, held in Your hands
All we know to pray and all we've yet to face
Is held in Your hands, is held in Your hands

These hands that carried the cross
Carry us now every moment, every hour
These hands that carried the cross
Carry us now never failing, only good
Never failing, only good
(Rush of Fools)
In 2 Corinthians Paul calls our troubles light and momentary. I don't know about you, but sometimes these troubles seem burdensome and infinite. Like they're squeezing the life from us and they'll never stop. We'll never get the upper hand. But Paul reminds us that an eternal glory is coming that will outweigh them all. A reward so great that we will forget about those troubles. And as I think about the fact that troubles are exactly that, momentary, I realize that is good. In the grand scheme of eternity, they won't last that long. Eventually, the pain and suffering will come to an end. It will either be replaced with a redemptive joy on earth or a Heavenly joy for the rest of eternity. And God carries each one in His hand. Whether it be a trouble we've already faced or one that is yet to come, He carries it. But what's more is that He carries us. That's right. He carries us through the trouble, and if you ask me, that's about as good as it can get.
#917 - Because of His goodness to carry us though the things we've faced and the things we've yet to face.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18


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