no does not mean try harder...

You're 7 months old today, Annabeth. It's like I turn around and another month has come and gone. The first three months we had together drug by. I felt like each one would never end. But these past few have flown. I think it's because we're having so much fun, don't you?

You accomplish so many things each month. I am forever grateful to be able to watch you grow and change right before my eyes, and I am amazed at how much you're learning. I mean, you're learning the same things every other baby your age is learning, but it's quite spectacular to watch. During the first few months of your life, I distinctly remember thinking, "She is never going to be able to hold her own head up!" But, by golly, you can do that and more! As a mom, it's tempting to rush you into doing new things, but I'm trying my best to let you take it at your own pace. You get bigger and bigger every day, so I'm in no hurry to grow you up. It will come quickly enough, anyway.

Over the last month, you began eating vegetables. I was curious to see how this would play out since I'm more a fruit gal, myself. You have eaten squash, sweet potatoes, avocado, and zucchini, and you've thoroughly enjoyed each one. It looks as if you may not be a picky eater. We'll see what happens when we get to broccoli. You've also begun sprouting teeth. I had heard that teething babies are difficult babies, but you've been a sweet little charm. You've not fussed, whined, or experienced any of the negative teething side effects. You do, however, put everything in your mouth. I have fallen in love with your gummy grin, but seeing that tiny little tooth poking up from the bottom of your mouth is a precious addition to your award winning smile.

Your dad and I decided to put our house on the market this past month. There's never a perfect time to move, so we felt like this was as good of a time as any. I was confident that our house would get an offer in no time flat, so I was glad to jump on board thinking it would be easy. Little did I know, we'd be three weeks in, having had a considerable amount of showings, and we've yet to receive a single offer. Everyone keeps saying, "This house is so cute! It's in great condition!" And they're right, it is! However, keeping it in great condition has been quite the chore, especially with a baby. I suppose I also didn't take into consideration how challenging it would be to maintain a house that is fit for showings all the while trying to balance your schedule. It's been chaotic to say the least. But every night, your dad and I pray that God would make His will for our family so evident and clear that we would know without a doubt if we're supposed to move or stay. Because the one thing we don't want to do is make a foolish decision that we will regret. And because the Lord knows what lies ahead, we're trusting that He'll direct our steps accordingly.

Annabeth, I don't know what will happen with our home. I don't know if this is bad timing or if we're just waiting for the right person to come along, I don't know why things haven't progressed as I imagined they would. I don't know if we'll be sitting on the market for months or if we'll be in a new home before summer. But you know what, I do know that God is hearing our prayers and that He will answer. In fact, He may be answering very clearly with a "No." And that's okay. I want you to know that sometimes God does not give us exactly what we want or ask for, and that's a good thing. You see, God always has your best interest at heart. I know you'll think that YOU have your best interest at heart, but the heart is deceitful. It will mislead you. Not on purpose, necessarily. It's just that the heart is flesh and it's not all knowing. I can't see what's down the road, it can't only feel what's happening in the now. And so it can be frustrating when the heart says one thing and God says another. I've been there before. I might be there right now. But when I look back over my life, and when I see the answers to my prayers, even the ones that were "No," I see how God was looking out for me. How He knew that it wouldn't be the best thing for me. And I think, "Thank you so much Lord! Thank you for loving me too much to let me make a foolish decision. Thank you for not opening the door of a great mistake. Thank you for directing me the other way rather than letting me run wild with reckless abandon."

Here's the truth, sweet girl. If it weren't for many of those "no's," you wouldn't be here. If God had said "yes" to everything I've ever asked of Him, our lives would look completely different. I don't even want to think about that! You and your father fill my life with such joy, and I am constantly thanking God that He always has, and has always kept, my best interest at heart. And I hope you'll come to understand that, too. That "no" doesn't mean we need to try harder, Annabeth. It means we need to thank God for looking out for us, for answering us, and for loving us too much to give us anything that's not His best.

"In their hearts, humans plan their course. But the Lord establishes their steps." - Proverbs 16:9


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